(a) Preliminary Development Plan Application.
(1) An applicant for development plan approval shall file twelve copies of the preliminary development plan with the Building Commissioner along with other required application documents and an application fee.
(2) For projects also requiring conditional use approval, the procedure established in Chapter 1143 shall be followed. The Planning Commission may concurrently address the issue of preliminary development plan approval and conditional use approval.
(b) Preliminary Development Plan Submission Requirements.
(1) Four full size copies of the preliminary development plan shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet. Developments containing more than five acres may be drawn at a scale of one inch equals fifty feet. Drawings shall be made on standard 24-inch x 36-inch sheets with continuation on 8½-inch x 11-inch sheets as necessary for narrative.
(2) Twelve copies of the preliminary development plan shall also be submitted on 11-inch x17-inch format. A preliminary development plan shall, at a minimum, include all data, details, and supporting information as outlined in this chapter and other applicable Zoning Code chapters.
(3) One digital copy of the preliminary development plan set and any other submittal materials in PDF file format submitted on a portable USB thumb drive.
(c) Preliminary Development Plan Contents. A preliminary development plan shall, at a minimum, include the following data, details, and supporting documentation. All preliminary development plans shall be prepared by an Ohio registered professional civil engineer. Items required for submission include:
(1) Name of the project, boundaries, and location maps showing the site’s location in the City, date, north arrow, and scale of the plan.
(2) Name, mailing address, telephone number and email address of the owner of record andapplicant. Provide the seal and signature of an Ohio licensed civil engineer who prepared the preliminary development plan.
(3) Names and addresses of all owners of record of abutting parcels and those within 200 feet of the property line.
(4) A brief description of the proposed use of the site shall be included with an estimate of the number of employees.
(5) Indicate the existing land use and current zoning classification of all abutting parcels.
(6) All existing lot lines, easements, and rights-of-way. Include area of subject parcel to be developed in both acres and square feet.
(7) The location and use of all existing and proposed buildings and structures within the development including building and other structure footprints, overhangs, site coverage, building-ground contact, and area.
(8) All dimensions of height and floor area and showing all exterior entrances.
(9) Illustrations of internal traffic movement, ingress and egress, and the location of all present and proposed public and private drives, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, ramps, curbs, fences, paths, landscaping, walls, and fences.
(10) A Traffic Impact Study, if required by the Planning Commission.
(11) Illustrated drawings identifying the location, height, intensity, and bulb type (e.g., fluorescent, sodium incandescent) of all external lighting fixtures. A photometric analysis of the proposed development site shall be submitted as part of the preliminary development plan application to determine conformance with the illumination standards set forth in Section 1147.07. Applicant shall provide a lighting operations plan detailing the light usage proposed including hours of light operation, intensity and any other operational lighting detail. The lighting operations plan must be approved by the Planning Commission.
(12) Footprint locations of all proposed ground mounted or free-standing signage.
(13) The location and sizing of all present and proposed utility systems, including sewage systems, water supply system, telephone, cable and electrical systems, storm drainage system, including existing and proposed drain lines, culverts, catch basins, headwalls, endwalls, hydrants, manholes, and drainage swales.
(14) Stormwater and wetlands. Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwater, erosion of soil both during and after construction, excessive runoff, excessive raising or lowering of the water table, and flooding of other properties, as applicable. Full compliance with Codified Ordinance Chapters 1367 (Stormwater) and 1363 (Wetlands) shall be required.
(15) Existing and proposed topography at a two foot contour interval. All elevations shall refer to the nearest United States Coastal and Geodetic Benchmark. If any portion of the parcel is within the 100-year floodplain, the area will be shown and base flood elevations given.
(16) A conceptual landscape plan, prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of Ohio, showing all existing natural land features, trees, forest cover and water resources, and all proposed changes to these features including size and type of plant materialExisting and proposed water resources shall include ponds, lakes, streams, wetlands, floodplains, and drainage retention areas. The applicable landscaping plan contents and regulations found in Chapter 1151 shall apply.
(17) For new construction or alterations to any existing building, a table containing the following information must be included:
A. Area of building to be used for a particular land use such as retail operation, office, storage, and the like, and maximum number of employees;
B. Maximum seating capacity, where applicable;
C. Number of parking spaces existing and required for the intended use; and
D. Development standards to include: All required and proposed yard setback amounts, proposed building lot coverage percentage, proposed total non-impervious surface lot coverage percentage.
(18) Provide a full color sample board of all proposed exterior building materials and exterior color selections.
(19) Other such relevant information as the City may require to adequately review the proposed development.
(d) Planning Commission Action.
(1) The preliminary development plan shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner. After reviewing an application for preliminary development plan approval for completeness and determining that the application and preliminary development plan is complete, the Building Commissioner shall transmit copies of the preliminary development plan to the Planning Commission and other City Staff members or consultants for their review and comment.
(2) If all required information is not provided, the Building Commissioner shall promptly notify the applicant in writing of the items needed and no further action will be taken on the preliminary development plan application until a completed application is submitted to the City.
(3) If the Planning Commission finds that based upon reports of the City’s Engineer, Service Director, Architect and Building Commissioner and its own review that the preliminary development plan meets all of the applicable requirements of this Zoning Code, it shall approve the preliminary development plan, with or without recommended plan conditions or plan modifications to be satisfied on the final development plan drawing. If the Planning Commission denies a preliminary development plan for lack of compliance with the applicable standards within this Zoning Code, the applicant must resubmit a revised preliminary development plan addressing the plan deficiencies.
(4) Upon receiving a preliminary development plan approval, the applicant may submit a completed final development plan to the Planning Commission for review and consideration. And submit the plan for review and consideration.
(Ord. 2022-24.Passed 5-24-22; Ord. 2023-6. Passed 6-27-23; Ord. 2023-78. Passed 12-12-23.)