(a)   Purpose and Application. These site design guidelines address the relationships of elements on the property, such as building location and orientation, access and circulation, pedestrian connections, parking, open space, and lighting. The goal in designing the site should be to create a functional and visually interesting environment, which fits with the unique conditions and activities of the site and maintains the design standards set forth in this chapter.
   (b)   Site Layout. Industrial buildings and other uses permitted in this district should be designed and sited to create an attractive impression from public corridors, and provide generously planted landscape setbacks to soften the visual impact of buildings and frame the streets.
      (1)   Orient building fronts and entries towards streets, parking lots and public spaces. Front office areas should be in the most visible locations, as they add human scale to an industrial building.
      (2)   On corner lots, consideration should be given to locating offices near the intersection to enliven the streetscape and add visual interest.
      (3)   Parking areas should be minimized adjacent to intersections.
      (4)   Rectangular shaped buildings should be oriented with the shorter building side parallel to the street to reduce the view of a long, narrow building.
      (5)   Signage and landscape elements should distinguish the entries that serve the main building from service entries.
      (6)   Service vehicle traffic should be separated from employee and visitor circulation.
   (c)   Site Utilities.
      (1)   All utilities including drainage systems, sewer, gas and water lines, electrical, telephone, and communications should be installed and maintained underground.
      (2)   Electric transformers, utility pads, cable TV and telephone boxes should be located underground or screened with walls, fences or landscape vegetation in a manner harmonious with the overall character of the development and adjacent parcels.
   (d)   Fence Standards.
      (1)   Fences shall not be constructed of electrically charged wire, razor wire, chain link with slats, chicken wire, rope, cable, railroad ties, landscape timbers, utility poles or any other similar materials or materials not specifically manufactured for permanent fencing.
      (2)   The cut or selvage end of wire or metal fencing materials may not be exposed at the top of a fence if the height of the fence is less than six and one-half feet.
      (3)   Barbed wire may be permitted at the top of a fence if the height of the barbed wire is not less than six and one-half feet and the fence is located in an industrial district not less than 100 feet from a residence or office residence district.
      (4)   Any other applicable wall or fence regulation as set forth in Section 1157.05.
   (e)   Parking. Adequate and convenient parking areas should be configured to provide convenient vehicular access, and arranged to support safe and efficient pedestrian movement from the parking areas to the user’s destination.
      (1)   On-site parking shall be provided in accordance with off-street parking standards as set forth in Chapter 1149 of this Zoning Code.
      (2)   Separate employee and visitor parking from service and loading parking.
      (3)   Provide landscaping to provide shade and to create visual breaks as required in Chapter 1151.
      (4)   Handicapped parking shall be provided in accordance with applicable codes. All sidewalks shall include handicapped ramps at curbs designed in conformance with barrier free design code requirements (“ADA”).
   (f)   On-Site Paving and Hardscape Standards. All on-site exterior paving areas including, but not limited to, pedestrian walkways, hardscaped gathering areas, and other paved or hardscaped areas on a site shall be broom finished concrete; or other dust free surface as approved.
   (g)   Ancillary Structures. Ancillary structures, service areas, and trash enclosures should be carefully planned as part of the project, and placed in locations on the site featuring low visibility from the public view. All applicable standards for accessory structures and landscaping and screening shall be satisfied.
   (h)   Lighting.
      (1)   Lighting goals. Lighting and lighting system components and hardware should be compatible and harmonious throughout the entire development or site. Site lighting should relate to the specific function or task and building type served.
      (2)   Pedestrian walkway lighting. Along pedestrian walkways, the use of low-mounted bollardheight or similar lighting features which reinforce pedestrian scale, and clearly identifies the direction of travel are encouraged.
      (3)   Parking lot and driveway lighting. Parking areas, drive and building service areas should be illuminated to ensure the public safety. Lighting fixtures should be designed and located so as to not cast direct rays of excessive brightness upon an adjoining property or cause glare hazardous to pedestrians or to drivers of motor vehicles on adjacent streets.
      (4)   Landscape accent lighting. Landscape accent lighting should reinforce the overall organization of the site and reflect an appropriate hierarchy of features.
      (5)   Site lighting. Site lighting visible from streets and adjacent property should be indirect or incorporate full cut-off shielded type fixtures. All site lighting should be designed and located to confine all direct light distribution to the premises. Any glare, hot spots and inconsistencies should be avoided.
      (6)   Building lighting.
         A.   Flood lighting of any parts of the site or any building is prohibited.
         B.   Light fixtures attached to exterior walls of buildings should be compatible with building design.
         C.   Fixtures visible from the street should be decorative and integrated with the building architecture.
         D.   Wall packs are not allowed where visible from the street.
      (7)   The lighting standards set forth in Section 1147.07 shall be satisfied.
   (i)   Trash and Refuse Collection.
      (1)   Garbage, trash and refuse should be stored in garbage containers located within a minimum six foot high enclosure.
      (2)   External enclosure surfaces should be designed to blend with the building architecture. Trash and refuse collection enclosures are regulated by Section 1151.08.
   (j)   Signs. Signs in the GI zoning district shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with Chapter 1153 .
(Ord. 2022-24. Passed 5-24-22.)