The three zoning districts established in this chapter are intended to provide a range of commercial, office and planned mixed use districts to provide basic goods, services, employment opportunities and integrated multifamily residential land uses. These regulations are also intended to protect adjacent residential neighborhoods by regulating the types and spacing of land uses, particularly at the common boundaries, which could create safety hazards, noise, odors, inefficient traffic patterns, or other objectionable influences or outcomes.
(a) General Goals and Purpose. The following goals apply to all three zoning districts under this chapter:
(1) To ensure compatible relationships between land use activities.
(2) To insure the compatible orientation of one building to another in regard to building bulk, architecture and open space.
(3) To provide for visually pleasing and functional treatment of open areas.
(4) To provide for an efficient and safe circulation system for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles.
(5) To provide adequate and flexible parking space for immediate and future needs.
(6) To ensure that signs are adequate, but properly controlled to prevent them from detracting from the appearance of the development.
(b) Zoning District Specific Goals and Purpose.
(1) General Business (GB). The general business district provides areas for a variety of business establishments engaged in retail sales, services, office, medical, recreation and other related permitted land uses serving both a local and regional market.
(2) Office (O). The office district provides areas suitable for office developments, medical facilities, and other related land uses.
(3) Planned Mixed Use (PMU). The planned mixed use district provides a flexible development framework that encourages the mixture of permitted land uses in a comprehensively planned manner, including integrated multifamily residential dwellings. The resulting development should provide design, layout and amenities to a higher degree than the other business, commercial and multifamily zoning districts. The following are specific goals for this zoning district:
A. The planned mixed use district provides flexibility of design in the placement and use of buildings and open spaces, circulation facilities and off-street parking areas, and to more efficiently utilize potentials of site characterized by special features of geography, topography, size or shape.
B. The planned mixed use district is intended to provide flexibility in the application of certain design and development standards and requirements of this Zoning Code in order to achieve the overall goals and purpose of the district.
C. Because of the special characteristics of the planned mixed use district, special provisions governing the development of land for this purpose are required. Whenever there is a conflict or difference between the provisions of this chapter and other chapters of this Zoning Code, the requirements of this chapter shall control.
D. Planned Mixed Use District Waivers. Consideration to provide waivers for qualifying planned mixed use projects is provided for in this chapter and may be considered by City Council to provide greater flexibility in the design of developments in order to carry out the goals and intent of this planned zoning district.
E. The applicant may request a concurrent preliminary plat and final plat subdivision review and consideration during the PMU review process as set forth in Section 1137.08 of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2022-24. Passed 5-24-22.)