(a)   The installation and construction of a rain barrel system shall be a permitted use in all zoning districts, unless specified otherwise in this section, and shall be subject to the following development and design standards:
      (1)   The maximum size of any rain barrel shall not exceed sixty-five gallons in any residential zoning district and shall not measure more than forty-eight inches from grade level to the top of the barrel or extension thereof.
      (2)   A rain barrel may be located in the side yard or rear yard areas of a parcel subject to the standards set forth in this section.
      (3)   The top of all rain barrels shall be fully covered to prevent any exposed stored water.
      (4)   Any rain barrel water overflow shall be adequately discharged into the public stormwater system as approved by the Building Commissioner. In no instance shall rain barrel water overflow be discharged into any adjoining property.
      (5)   A rain barrel shall not extend more than thirty-six inches from the building face of the primary or accessory structure.
      (6)   Side yard rain barrel standards. The following standards apply to rain barrels placed in the side yard area of a parcel.
         A.   No more than two rain barrels shall be placed in any side yard area.
         B.   Rain barrels located in any side yard shall be screened from the public or private roadway utilizing solid screening consisting of either: all season vegetation; or a fence or wall constructed of natural materials. The Building Commissioner shall review and approve of all proposed screening plans.
      (7)   Rear yard rain barrel standards. The following standards apply to rain barrels placed in the rear yard area of a parcel.
         A.   The number of rain barrels located in a rear yard shall be unlimited.
         B.   If a rain barrel located in a rear yard is visible from a public or private roadway, the rain barrel shall be screened from the public or private roadway utilizing solid screening consisting of either: all season vegetation; a fence or wall constructed of natural materials. The Building Commissioner shall review and approve of all proposed screening plans.
   Rain Barrel System Components
   Illustration depicting a typical rain barrel system.
   (b)   Building Permit Required. A building permit shall be obtained for any rain barrel system prior to installation or usage.
(Ord. 2022-24. Passed 5-24-22.)