(a) All qualifying buildings, structures or parking facilities constructed under these development plan guidelines shall conform to the general site criteria and standards set forth in this section. Zoning district specific site design standards shall also be satisfied as provided in the specific zoning district Chapters in this Zoning Code. In the event of a conflict between zoning district specific site design standards and these general site design standards, the zoning district specific standards shall control.
(b) Site Conditions.
(1) The property shall not be subject to hazards such as objectionable smoke, noxious odors, unusual noise, the possibility of subsidence or the probability of flood or erosion.
(2) The condition of soil, ground water level, drainage, rock formations, and topography shall be such as not to create hazards to the property or to the health and safety of occupants or the public.
(c) Services and Facilities.
(1) The facilities shall be so designed that they can be used and maintained without encroachment upon adjoining properties.
(2) Utilities, including water pipelines, gas pipelines, sewage disposal, and electric power lines, shall be independent for the property without dependence upon other properties.
(3) Each building intended for use as a residence or place of employment shall have provisions for each of the following:
A. A continuing supply of safe and potable water;
B. Sanitary facilities and a safe method of sewage disposal;
C. Heating adequate for healthful and comfortable living conditions;
D. An adequate supply of domestic hot water;
E. Adequate electricity for lighting and for equipment used in the dwelling; and
F. Adequate provisions for the removal of garbage and trash and its sanitary storage pending removal.
(d) Access.
(1) Each property shall be provided with vehicular access by an abutting public or private street. Private streets shall be created by a permanent access easement.
(2) The width and construction of the required internal drive and provisions for its continued maintenance, by the property owner if a private street and by the City if accepted as a public street, shall provide safe and suitable vehicular access to and from the property at all times, including appropriate access for fire-fighting equipment, trash collection, deliveries and snow removal. Dead-end internal access drives shall include adequate vehicular turning space, for public safety and maintenance vehicles as well as private vehicles.
(3) Each building shall provide safe and convenient pedestrian access from parking areas to the building entrances.
(4) Each building shall provide convenient access for service and, when necessary, for delivery of fuel.
(5) A safe and convenient means of access shall be provided to each dwelling unit without passing through any other dwelling unit.
(6) Access to buildings and circulation between buildings and other important project facilities for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, which is safe, comfortable and convenient for occupants and the public.
(e) Site Planning and Development Criteria. The site shall be designed and developed, and all structures shall be designed and arranged thereon, as to provide the following:
(1) A suitable environment for occupants and the public by utilizing the potential advantages of the site, including suitable placement of the buildings and facilities in relation to the site and surrounding influences;
(2) A land-use intensity appropriate to the character of the site and its location in the anticipated community pattern as set forth in the City Comprehensive Plan;
(3) Adequate open space related to buildings and other land improvements;
(4) Sufficient non-vehicular public open space for use of the occupants and the public and for visual appeal;
(5) Conveniently located and adequate vehicle storage space;
(6) Elevations, and gradients appropriate for buildings, land improvements, drainage, and for safe, easy circulation for occupant use;
(7) Night lighting for safe and convenient use of streets, driveways, parking areas, walks, steps and other facilities;
(8) Planting to enhance the appearance of buildings and grounds, to screen objectionable features and to control erosion and rapid runoff of ground water;
(9) All elements of the development plan harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, the size and shape of the plot, the character of adjoining property, and the type and size of the buildings;
(10) Arrangement of buildings in favorable relation to the natural topography, existing desirable trees, views within and beyond the site, and exposure to the sun and other buildings on the site, with building arrangement appropriate for the general climatic characteristics of the region;
(11) Natural light and ventilation for occupants and the public;
(12) Grading which assures adequate surface drainage, conservation of desirable existing vegetation and natural ground forms, and which does not create a nuisance on or off the property, divert surface water onto adjacent public or private property or increase the rate of run- off of surface water onto such adjacent property, interfere with or obstruct natural drainage of water from such adjacent property, or interfere with or obstruct the public water, sanitary or storm sewer system, or interfere with or obstruct a natural watercourse (i.e., any river, creek, brook or branch, and the flood plain thereof);
(13) Utility poles and facilities designed in keeping with the project and properly shaded to screen the windows of habitable rooms on the site as well as all off- site premises from the direct rays of light; and
(14) Preservation and enhancement of the appeal and character of the site by retaining and protecting existing trees and other site features and adding new. Plant material for privacy, shade, beauty of buildings and grounds and to screen out objectionable features, which plant material shall be selected, located and spaced so as to be in scale with the composition of the buildings, the site and its various uses and surroundings, to harmonize in size, shape, color, texture and winter characteristics with the buildings and the development of the grounds, and with due consideration to its ultimate mature growth, avoiding the use of material which will become overgrown without severe trimmings.
(Ord. 2022-24. Passed 5-24-22.)