The following streets are designated as stop streets and all vehicles thereon shall stop before entering the intersection of the second listed street, unless otherwise directed by a police officer or traffic control device.
   Alan both eastern and southern sections at Ragall      Bartholomew at Pawnee
                              Bellfair at Bellmeadow
   Aldersyde at Bennington         Bellfair at Fairweather
   American Veterans Parkway at Fry Road   Bellmeadow at Claremont
   Arrowhead at Gerald            Bellmeadow at Newton   
   Bardbury at Brookside         Benedict at Fry
   Bardbury at Nethersole         Benedict at Sheldon
   Bardbury at Pearl            Bennington at Klein
   Barriemore at Nethersole         Blue Spruce at Hemlock
   Barriemore at Webster         Briarcliffe north and southbound
   Bartholomew at Bagley            at Webster
   Brinbourne at Brookside         Galemore at Paula
   Brinbourne at Nethersole         Gerald at Bennington
   Brinbourne at Pearle            Glendridge at Pearl
   Bunker Hill at Concord Trail      Grant at Webster
   Bunker Hill at Indian Creek         Heather Lane at Fry
   Byron at Klein            Hemlock at Paula
   Canyon Circle at Arrowhead      Hemlock at Wood Creek
   Cherokee at West 130th Street      Herald at Newton
   Chippewa at James            Herald at Sheldon
   Chippewa at Pawnee            Hickox at Big Creek Parkway
   Claremont at Elmdale         Humphrey at Franke
   Claremont at Fairweather         Humphrey at Stroud
   Claremont at Kiwanis         Humphrey at Wood Creek
   Claremont at Smith            Hyde Park at Bagley
   Commerce Plaza at Sprague         James at Arrowhead
   Concord at Webster            Kevin at Alan
   Cotton Wood Oval at Wood Creek      Kevin at Ragall
   Craigmere at Brookside         Kingman at Logan
   Craigmere at Nethersole         Kingman at Springdale
   Craigmere at Webster         Kiwanis at Big Creek Parkway
   Cranwood at Bennington         Klein at Sprague
   Delaware at Gerald            Lake Abram at Englewood
   Eastland at Fowles            Laniet at Glenridge
   Eden Lane at Baldwin Creek      Lanier at Webster
   Elderdale at Farnum            Lexington Green at Indian Creek
   Elderdale at Pearl            Logan at Newton
   Elise at Ramona            Lucerne southeast section at Normandie
   Elmdale at Sheldon            Main at Eastland
   Engle at Fowles            Middlebrook at Smith
   Englewood at Engle            Mohawk at Pearl
   Englewood at Lake Abram         Montgomery at Bennington
   Erwin Court at Kiwanis         Montgomery at Sprague
   Fairweather at Big Creek Parkway      Nethersole at Farnum
   Fairweather at Sheldon         Newton at Fairweather
   Farnum at Fowles            Newton at Smith
   Farnum at Nethersole         Normandie northwest section at Lucerne
   First at Eastland            Normandie at Sprague
   Forest Oval at Benedict         Old Oak at Fowles
   Franke at Smith            Packard at Glenridge
   Freeway Circle at Sprague         Packard Circle at Packard
   Fry at Sheldon            Parklawn at Brookside
   Galemore at Middlebrook         Parklawn at Nethersole
   Parklawn at Packard
   Parklawn at Pearl
   Paula at Sandalhaven southbound only
   Paula at Smith
   Pawnee at West 130th Street
   Pecan Oval at Wood Creek
   Pine View at Claremont
   Pine Wood at Baldwin Creek
   Pine Wood at Pawnee
   Pleasant at Bagley
   Pleasant at University
   Pleasant Valley at Pearl
   Princeton at Delaware
   Ragall eastern and southern at Webster
   Revere Circle at Webster
   Robert at Hyde Park
   Robert at Pearl
   Rosebough at Engle
   Sandalhaven at Middlebrook
   Sandalhaven at Paula
   Saratoga at Concord
   Seneca Trail at Hyde Park
Seneca Trail at Pearl
Shawnee Trail at Pearl
Shelburne at Bennington
Shelburne at Delaware
Sprague westbound at Webster
Springdale at Newton
Springdale at Sheldon
Stoneybrook at Baldwin Creek
Stoneybrook at Pawnee Trail
Stroud at Smith
Sunnyside at Smith
Sunrise Oval at Arrowhead
Timber Lane at Baldwin Creek
Uhlin at Pearl
Webster at Craigmere
Wendy at Eastland
Wentgatz at Gerald
Wentgatz at West 130th
White Oak at Paula
Williamsburg Court at Eastland
Winona at Newton
Wood Creek at Smith
Yorktown at Concord Trail
Yorktown at Indian Creek
(Ord. 1986-15. Passed 1-28-86; Ord. 1990-148. Passed 10-9-90; Ord. 2017-3. Passed 1-24-17.)