(a)   All regular full-time officials and employees of the City, excluding part-time elected officials and those employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, shall be entitled to receive compensation in addition to their regular annual salary for service rendered to the City based upon the following:
      (1)   Each such official or employee shall receive longevity payments, commencing upon the completion of five years of continuous full-time employment, in the amount of three hundred seventy-five dollars ($375.00), which shall be increased by seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for each succeeding year of employment.
      (2)   The lump sum of the longevity increase shall be computed on the basis of completion of a full year of service. For purposes of this provision, a year of service shall be limited to full-time service to the City and shall be determined as of January 1 of each year. The amount due under this provision shall be paid in a single annual payment on December 1 of each year or as soon thereafter as may be convenient to the Director of Finance, but no later than December 16 of any year. All longevity payments shall be by direct deposit. If, because of leave without pay, employment separation or a break in continuous service, an officer or employee does not work a full year, the longevity sum payable herein shall be prorated to correspond to the actual service time rendered during the current year and may be paid immediately upon such termination of employment. Purchased service credit shall count toward longevity service. Any employee or official receiving longevity under the prior longevity plan who would not receive longevity under this section shall continue to receive such payments until such person qualifies for payments under this section.
(Ord. 1999-65. Passed 6-8-99.)
   (b)   Any regular full-time nonelected official or employee of the City who, prior to the adoption of this section (Ordinance 1989-43, passed May 23, 1989), has had prior employment with the City, although interrupted, shall be entitled to longevity compensation computed on the basis as if it were continuous service. Each three years served as a part-time official or part-time employee shall count as one year of continuous full-time employment for the purpose of awarding longevity payments pursuant to division (a) of this section.
   (c)   Any employee employed by the City in a full-time capacity prior to January 31, 1984, who would have received longevity pay during the third and fourth year of his or her full-time employment under Ordinance 1979-153, shall receive those payments until they become eligible under this section.
(Ord. 1995-43. Passed 4-25-95; Ord. 1997-30. Passed 3-11-97.)