139.02 HOLIDAYS.
   All salaried officers, employees and full-time regular hourly employees of the City, excluding all employees whose job titles are included in a bargaining unit pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement, shall have the following days off with pay: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and one-half day each on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. If any of such holidays falls on a Saturday or Sunday, when such holiday is not being observed on the preceding Friday or succeeding Monday, such officer or employee shall receive comparable time off with pay on a date designated by the Mayor or the department or division head.
   If any such officer or employee is required to work on any such holiday or is on vacation on such holiday, such officer or employee shall receive comparable time off with pay on a date designated by the Mayor or the department or division head, except that hourly paid employees in the Department of Public Service shall receive either double their regular hourly rate for the time worked on such holidays or comparable time off, to be determined by the Director of Public Service. Refusal on the part of an employee to work on a holiday when requested to do so shall result in a forfeiture of all benefits of holiday pay under this section. Failure of an employee to work on the scheduled work day preceding, and the scheduled work day succeeding, the holiday, unless excused by the Mayor or the department or division head, or unless on vacation, shall result in a forfeiture of all benefits of holiday pay under this section.
   All salaried officers, employees and full-time regular hourly employees of the City, excluding all employees whose job titles are included in a bargaining unit pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement, shall, in addition to all other leave benefits, be granted four personal leave days each year which are to be taken within the year earned. Personal days shall only be taken with the advance approval of the employee's department head and when the work staff is at sufficient strength so that the City will not be required to have another employee work for the employee requesting the day off. Unused personal days may be added to the employee's sick leave accumulation, provided that such accumulation is not at the maximum amount allowed.
(Ord. 1985-57. Passed 4-9-85; Ord. 1996-104. Passed 12-10-96; Ord. 2022-100. Passed 12-13-22.)