No building pennit shall be issued by the Building Inspector unless all of the following are true:
   (a)   All necessary street improvement installations shall be completed by the owner in accordance with Sections 1111.04 and 1111.05 and accepted by the City.
   (b)   Street name signs, as required, have been erected. (Ord. 1985-161. Passed 2-25-86.).
   (c)   Deposit of cash has been made in the amount of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for each sublot in a subdivision to be used by the City for the planting of a tree in the tree lawn of each sublot.
(Ord. 1990-7. Passed 1-23-90.)
   (d)   Deposit in cash has been made by either the developer or, where such deposit has not been made by the developer, by the applicant for a building pennit, in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each lot having constructed in the front yard thereof an above-the-ground electrical transfonner, such deposit to be used by the City for the landscaping or other decorative treatment of such above-the-ground transfonner.
(Ord. 1985-161. Passed 2-25-86.)