After approval of the preliminary plan by the Planning Commission and Council, and the fulfillment of the requirements of this chapter and any other requirements of the Planning Commission and Council, the tracing of the Record Map shall be submitted to the Planning Commission together with a written request for approval. The Map for Record shall be drawn on mylar with lettering which meets microfilm standards and shall be drawn to a scale of not more than fifty feet per inch and a maximum size of twenty-four by thirty-six inches. More than one sheet may be used if required. The Record Map shall indicate the following thereon:
(a) The name of the subdivision with general location description shown in the title of same.
(b) The scale of the drawing and directional point.
(c) A registered surveyor's certificati-on as to accuracy over his signature and seal.
(d) Accurate dimensions in feet and decimal parts and bearings of the subdivision boundary lines, showing all established monuments used in determining such boundary lines as well as those s·et at boundary corners, etc.
(e) Accurate street center line dimensions and bearings showing the location of street monuments which shall be later set by the owner. Monuments are to be set at all street intersections, subdivision boundary lines and where required by the City Engineer.
(f) Accurate dimensions and bearings on all sublot boundary lines including those along the street frontage and sublots shown numbered consecutively.
(g) Names of all owners whose undeveloped lands abut the subdivision, including the volume and page numbers of their deed records.
(h) Names of all abutting recorded subdivisions, with volume and page numbers as recorded, indicating accurate dimensions to abutting street locations and subdivision boundaries.
(i) All proposed and existing easements with accurate dimensions and bearings.
(j) Minimum front building setback lines along all streets as established in the Zoning Code. Minimum side line setbacks on corner lots shall conform to the requirements of the Planning and Zoning Code of the City.
(1) Owner's clause showing acceptance of subdivision shall include his dedication of all lands (described therein) over his notarized signature.
(2) Owner's clause showing the acceptance and establishment of the building setback lines.
(3) When applicable, a clause indicating the waiver of dower rights over the notarized signature.
(4) When applicable, a clause indicating the release of the mortgage holder over his notarized signature.
(5) Easement clause showing acceptance by owner and utility company.
(6) A clause for final acceptance or approval by the Planning Commission with spaces for dates and President and Secretary's signatures.
(7) A clause for acceptance of Council with spaces for ordinance number and dates over the space for Mayor and Clerk of Council's signatures.
The final submission of the Record Plat for approval of the Planning Commission shall include four prints: one for the Clerk, one for the Engineer, one for the Director of Public Service and one for the Planning Commission file. After approval has been secured from the Planning Commission, the Record Plat shall be submitted to Council for its approval. The Director of Law, at this time, shall check all clauses shown on the Plat as to requirement and legality. A duplicate mylar tracing of the Record Map shall be furnished and retained by the City Engineer before any improvement plans are approved or Council accepts the Plat.
After official acceptance or approval by Council, the City shall cause the same to be recorded upon completion and City approval of all required improvements. All costs of recording are to be paid by owners.
(Ord. 1983-46. Passed 4-12-83; Ord. 1994-9. Passed 3-22-94.)