(a)   Responsibility of Contractor. Every contractor shall comply with all Federal, State and Municipal laws governing storage, sale, transportation and use of explosives. The contractor shall use every reasonable precaution to provide for the safety of all employees on the job and of such other persons who may be legally entitled to be on such job as well as safety of the public and it shall be the duty of such contractor to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   Responsibility of the Superintendent. A superintendent to whose attention the existence of any unsafe or illegal condition is called shall take immediate steps to remedy or remove the unsafe or illegal conditions.
   (c)   Responsibility of Employees and Other Persons.
      (1)   Every employee shall observe all of the provisions of this chapter which directly concern or affect his conduct and no person shall willfully permit a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   No person shall knowingly use explosives for blasting purposes in an unsafe or illegal manner.
      (3)   All persons having knowledge of the existence of an unsafe or illegal condition shall promptly report the same to the superintendent.
   (d)   Responsibility of Blaster. The blaster shall not use and detonate explosives unless the requirements of this chapter have been observed and every reasonable precaution, not specifically set forth in this chapter, has been taken to prevent accidents, damage to property or unreasonable disturbance.
(Ord. 1978-71. Passed 6-13-78.)