(a)   The collocation of Small Cell Facilities on existing Wireless Support Structures, owned by the City or another entity and engineered to accommodate such Facilities, is strongly encouraged to minimize the amount of infrastructure visible within the City and Right-of-Way.
   (b)   Along the City's southern border, existing wooden utility poles are located in the railroad right-of-way. These Wireless Support Structures are not owned by the City but may be eligible for collocation of small cell facilities, pending permission of the legal owner(s) of the structures. If possible, utilizing these structures will, in the opinion of the City, reduce the visual impact of Small Cell Equipment.
   (c)   The City will not authorize a Facility Operator or its agent to negatively impact the structural integrity of the associated infrastructure.
   (d)   The City may condition approval of Collocation on replacement or modification of the Wireless Support Structure at the Operator's cost if the City determines that replacement or modification is necessary for compliance with City safety standards. The City may also retain ownership of a modified or replacement Wireless Support Structure.
   (e)   Small Cell Equipment shall not interfere with the primary purpose of a Wireless Support Structure.
   (f)   Small Cell Equipment to be attached to a Wireless Support Structure shall be attached at least six (6) feet above ground level. If Small Cell Equipment is projecting toward the street, then the Small Cell Equipment shall be installed no less than sixteen (16) feet above ground level. Where possible, Antenna shall be fully enclosed within a shroud, attached to as near possible to the top of a pole, and on the side of the pole opposite the direction of vehicular traffic on the same side as the Right-of-Way.
   (g)   All cables, wiring, and conduits shall be firmly secured to the pole structure and enclosed within a separate rigid external conduit attached directly to the pole or offset not more than four inches with mounting brackets. Conduit color will be gray, or as specified by the City, to match the required enclosure color.
   (h)   All Small Cell Facilities, cabinets, shrouds, conduit, and mounting hardware proposed in conjunction with installation on an existing pole or structure shall be as approved by the Chief Building Official.
(Ord. 2018-51. Passed 7-23-18.)