No person, firm or corporation shall engage in, carry on, perform, cause or permit abortions in the City, unless the same are conducted in a hospital or medical center that is duly licensed by the appropriate agencies of the State.
(Ord. 3390. Passed 4-19-83.)
The City Manager shall proceed through the County Board of Health or such other agency as is necessary and proper to enforce Section 804.06.
(Ord. 3390. Passed 4-19-83.)
Notwithstanding any other provision of these Codified Ordinances, no license required by Section 804.06 shall be issued for an abortion service to be located in any area other than a GB-1 General Business District as set forth in the Planning and Zoning Code, and no abortion service shall operate in any area other than a General Business District.
(Ord. 3214. Passed 10-6-81.)