Before development of a PUD, the land must receive approval of a PUD development plan following the procedures and standards of this chapter. No plats or building permits may be issued until the PUD development plan and accompanying data have been submitted, approved, and recorded. Application for PUD consideration must be submitted and processed in the following manner:
A. Pre-Application Conference. The conference shall include an exchange of information regarding the development of the site under the PUD procedures. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate consistency with the goals, objective and policies of the comprehensive plan, land development regulations, and all other applicable regulations and procedures. The applicant shall request in writing a pre-application conference with the City Administrator. The written request should provide a brief description of the proposed PUD, i.e., size, location, description of uses, total square footage of nonresidential uses, nonresidential floor areas ratio, description of nonresidential uses, description of housing types, building heights, total amount of open space, listing of deviations from bulk standards requested, number of phases, location of all wetlands and habitat preservation area, etc. The City Administrator shall give a written notice to the applicant stating the date, time, and the attendees for the conference. The City's letter of response shall inform the applicant of the fee structure described by Section 2.03.010, who can apply, PUD application package containing information on the review process and required submittals, applicant's responsibility for ensuring conformance and compatibility to the City's Comprehensive Plan, regulations, and physical characteristics of the site.
B. PUD Development Plan. After the pre-application conference, the applicant may submit a completed application along with a copy of the plan and the fee set forth by Section 2.03.010. Within twenty (20) working days of receipt of a PUD application, the City Administrator or designee shall determine whether the application is sufficient, and:
1. If the City Administrator determines the application is not complete, a written notice shall be forwarded to the applicant specifying the deficiencies. No further actions shall be taken until the deficiencies are corrected and the application resubmitted.
2. When the application is determined complete, the City Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing of the application's sufficiency and that the application is ready for review. The applicant shall submit eight (8) copies of the PUD development plan.
C. Planning and Zoning Board Review. In accordance with the review procedures in Article VII herein, the Planning and Zoning Board shall review the application and determine whether the proposed plan meets the intent of the planned unit development rules and whether it complies with the comprehensive plan and the goals and policies for development of Mexico Beach, Florida. The Planning and Zoning Board shall then send its recommendations to the Mexico Beach City Council.
D. City Council Review and Approval. The City Council shall approve, approve with modifications, or deny the plan, unless the applicant requests an extension, at a public hearing noticed in accordance with Article VII of this Code and F.S. § 166.041. The City Council's approval may only be by ordinance.
E. Dedications. The City Council shall be permitted to require an applicant to make reasonable contributions including, but not limited to any combination of the following:
1. Dedication of land for public park purposes;
2. Dedication of land for public school purposes;
3. Dedication of land for public road right-of-way purposes;
4. Construction of or addition to roads and utilities serving the proposed project, along with a completion inspection report prepared by a licensed engineer paid for by the applicant, when such construction or addition is reasonably related to the traffic or utility demand to be generated;
5. Installation of required traffic safety devices; and
6. Preservation of areas containing significant natural, environmental, historic, archeological or similar resources.
7. There shall be a rational nexus between the impacts of the development and such contribution and the cost of the contribution shall not exceed the development's proportionate share of the total costs of the improvement.
F. Phasing. Subsequent phases must be submitted in general conformance with the phasing schedule submitted by the applicant with PUD development plan.
G. Time Limit. The PUD must have an active building permit within three (3) years of the date of approval, or PUD development plan approval is withdrawn and the underlying zoning district standards apply.
H. Modification. Any modification by the developer of a PUD development plan under review, but not yet approved by the City Council, must not:
1. Increase the proposed number of dwelling units by more than five percent (5%);
2. Involve a reduction of the area set aside for open space and usable open space, or a substantial relocation of such area;
3. Increase by more than five percent (5%) the total lot coverage of all buildings and structures within the PUD; or
4. Increase by more than five percent (5%) in the height of any buildings.
(Ord. 711, passed 2-5-2019; Am. Ord. 716, passed 4-23-2019)