Ingress to and egress from land bordering on a system of streets and roads.
Driveways, streets, turnouts, and other means of providing the movement of vehicles to or from roads on the state highway system.
That portion of the vehicle accommodation area that consists of a travel lane bounded on either side by an area that is not part of the vehicle accommodation area.
Gross Floor Area
The gross floor area of a building is the sum of the area at each floor level, including cellars, basements, mezzanines, penthouses, corridors, lobby stores, and offices that are included with the principle outside faces of exterior walls, not including architecture setbacks or projections. Included are all storage or other areas that have floor surface with clear standing head room (six (6) feet, six (6) inches minimum) regardless of the use. Where a ground level area, or a part thereof, within the principle outside faces of exterior wall is left unenclosed, the gross floor area of the enclosed portion is to be considered as a part of the overall square footage of the building. All unroofed areas and unenclosed roofs over spaces, except as defined above are to be excluded from the area calculations.
Level of Service
Shall mean a measure of the percentage of capacity of a roadway or intersection being used during the peak hour, as determined by the traffic engineer, and in compliance with the definitions contained in the Highway Capacity Manual, HRS special report 87.
Major Arterial, Major Collector, Minor Collector
The categories of functional classification, which is the grouping of highways by the characteristics of service they provide. The street hierarchy system shall be defined by road function and average daily traffic calculated by the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Parking Space
A portion of the vehicle accommodation area set for the parking of one (1) vehicle.
Shall mean written authority to allow construction, reconstruction, or reclassification of a connection in accordance with this Code.
The lateral distance between the right-of-way line and the roadside business, building, gasoline pump, curb base, display stand, or other object. The provision of the setback will result in space for vehicles to stop or park between such facilities and the right-of-way line.
Shopping Center
(a) A shopping center is defined as a group of shops forming a central retail market within a given area.
(b) To be considered a shopping center, the development must contain a minimum of five (5) separate and individual shops or businesses.
(c) The specific location must be identified and approved by the City Council of the City of Mexico Beach. All applications for the development of a shopping center must include geographic boundaries of the shopping center.
(d) Additional businesses can be added with approval by the City Council.
(e) Any request for the development of a shopping center must be in the form of a major commercial development order with all the requirements of such being met by the owner(s) and/or developer(s).
(f) Required parking for any shopping center will be calculated at one (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross business space. All parking will be owned/maintained by the shopping center with the only specifically designated parking being those required for “Handicap Parking.”
(g) Any approved shopping center will be designated on all City maps.
State Road
All streets, roads, highways, and other public ways open to travel by the general public and dedicated to public use according to law or by prescription, and designated by the Florida Department of Transportation as part of the state highway system.
Vehicle Accommodation or Vehicle Use Area
That portion of a lot that is used by vehicles for access, circulation, parking, and loading and unloading areas. It comprises the total of circulation areas, loading and unloading areas, and parking areas (spaces and aisles).
(Ord. 711, passed 2-5-2019)
A. Purpose
The requirements set forth in this section are designed to ensure the adequate provision of safe access, efficient on-site traffic flow, and acceptable parking for every building, structure, or use erected or instituted.
B. Existing Structures and Uses
1. Conforming Uses
As of the effective date of this Code, existing buildings or structures may be modernized, altered, or repaired without having to apply these regulations, provided there is no increase in floor area or capacity and no change of occupancy classification.
2. Expansion of Structure
The proposed expansion of any existing structure or building in floor area, volume, capacity, or space shall result in the compliance with the requirements governed by this Code for both existing and new structures or buildings.
3. Non-Conforming Uses
Non-conforming uses destroyed or damaged in excess of fifty percent (50%), when rebuilding, must comply with Section 6 of this Code.
4. Change in Use
A change in use of a structure or building resulting in additional requirements over that of the present use, shall be bound to comply with the regulations contained in this Code.
(Ord. 711, passed 2-5-2019)