(A)   All retail food establishments shall be kept in a clean and wholesome condition, dry, and adequately ventilated so as to insure a free circulation of fresh air at all times. When natural ventilation is used, it shall be furnished by means of windows, doors, and apertures opening to the outer air at places sufficiently removed from other openings so that no odors, exhalations, moisture, or other impurities will contaminate the air required for ventilating purposes in such retail food establishments. Where artificial or mechanical means of ventilation are used, the same shall be subject to periodic inspections by the Board of Health in order to determine that the same is kept in proper operating condition and so operated at all times.
   (B)   Such places shall be kept free from rats, mice, flies, and other insects and vermin. No domestic animals, except cats, shall be permitted in any such place where flour, meal, or other food stuffs are kept, and suitable provisions shall be made to prevent nuisances from the presence of cats, if any are kept.
(1977 Code, § 5-1-2) Penalty, see § 114.99