90.01 Definitions
90.02 Authority of Animal Control Officer
90.03 Restraint of dogs
90.04 Animals as nuisances
90.05 Prohibition of livestock and domesticated animals within city limits
90.06 Dangerous animals and dogs
90.07 Owner’s duties
90.08 Animal cruelty and fighting
90.09 Dead and diseased animals
90.10 Dog inoculation and licensing
90.11 Animal-drawn vehicles
90.12 Administration; enforcement
90.13 Prohibition of dogs and other animals on playing fields and on playground areas within city parks
90.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL. Every living creature, other than man, which may be affected by rabies.
ANIMAL CONTROL ADMINISTRATOR. A veterinarian licensed by the State of Illinois and appointed pursuant to the Illinois Animal Control Act, being ILCS Ch. 510, Act 5, §§ 1 et seq., or his or her duly authorized representative.
ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. The city’s Chief of Police, or police officers authorized by him or her to perform his or her duties on his or her behalf, or other person appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.
AT LARGE. Any dog not under restraint as defined herein.
CITY. The City of Metropolis.
DANGEROUS DOG. Any individual dog when it is not muzzled, unleashed or unattended by its owner that behaves in a manner that a reasonable person would believe poses a serious and unjustified imminent threat of serious physical injury or death to a person or a companion animal in a public place.
DOG. Any animal of the canine species.
ENCLOSURE. A fence or structure of at least six feet in height, forming or causing an enclosure suitable to prevent the entry of young children, and suitable to confine a vicious dog in conjunction with other measures that may be taken by the owner or keeper, such as tethering of the vicious dog within the enclosure. The ENCLOSURE shall be secured enclosed and locked and designed with secure sides, top and bottom and shall be designed to prevent the animal from escaping from the enclosure. If the enclosure is a room within a residence, the door must be locked. A vicious dog may be allowed to move about freely within the entire residence if it is muzzled at all times.
FIGHT. A prearranged conflict between two or more animals, but shall not include a conflict that is unorganized or accidental.
IMPOUNDED. Taken into the custody of the city’s public animal control facility.
INOCULATION AGAINST RABIES. The injection, subcutaneously or otherwise, as approved by the Department of Agriculture, of the canine anti-rabies vaccine approved by the Department.
LEASH. A cord, rope, strap or chain which shall be securely fastened to the collar or harness of a dog or other animal and shall be of sufficient strength to keep such dog or other animal under control.
LIVESTOCK. Cattle, calves, sheep, swine, horses, mules, goats, poultry and any other animal which can or may be used in and for the preparation of meat or meat products for consumption by human beings or animals.
NON-DOMESTICATED ANIMALS. Animals that are not domesticated so as to live and breed in a tame condition. Also known as wild animals, these animals include but are not limited to raccoons, wolves, coyotes, groundhogs, bobcats and other animals normally found only in the wilderness.
OWNER. Any person having a right of property in a dog or other animal, or who keeps or harbors a dog or other animal, or who has it in his or her care, or acts as its custodian, or who knowingly permits a dog or other domestic animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her.
POUND. The city pound or other facility approved by the Chief of Police for the impoundment of animals.
PUBLIC ENTRANCE. The entranceway of a residence or other building closest to the public street or sidewalk or one which would be reasonably perceived by the public to be the entrance to the dwelling available for public use.
RESTRAINT. An animal is under restraint if it meets the following conditions:
(1) Attached to a leash held by a responsible person;
(2) Attached to a structure or fixture in such a manner that it is unable to reach beyond the limits of the owner’s property and is unable to reach or harm public utility or other service workers or casual visitors to the owner’s property using the public entrance or persons placing mail in the mailbox or delivering newspapers at the request of the owners;
(3) Enclosed in a fenced yard form which it is unable to escape without assistance from a person.
WORKING DAY. Any day when the office or public entity referred to was open for the transaction of business.
VICIOUS DOG. A dog that, without justification, attacks a person and causes serious physical injury or death or any individual dog that has been found to be a dangerous dog on three separate occasions.
(Ord. 2005-29, passed 9-13-2005)
Without limiting those powers and duties prescribed by law and ordinance, the Animal Control Officer shall do the following:
(A) Exercise the power and perform the duties contained in this chapter and the Illinois Animal Control Act, being ILCS Ch. 510, Act 5, §§ 1 et seq. as amended;
(B) Impound animals pursuant to provisions of this chapter at the city animal pound or other facility established by the Police Department; and
(C) Perform duties from time to time as directed by the Animal Control Administrator.
(Ord. 2005-29, passed 9-13-2005)
The owner of a dog shall keep the dog under restraint at all times and shall not permit the dog to be at large anywhere within the city, except as otherwise provided by the zoning or other ordinance of the city.
(Ord. 2005-29, passed 9-13-2005) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) The owner of an animal shall not permit the animal to make any distressing loud or unusual noises, or to disturb the peace or quiet of any place, neighborhood, family or person in the city. Such action is a nuisance and shall not be allowed.
(B) In addition to the general restrictions of division (A) above, for the purpose of this section, an owner is in violation of this section if he or she permits a dog to bark in a substantially continuous manner between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. for a period of more than 15 minutes, or who allows the animal to bark for numerous periods of time, regardless of duration, so as to disturb the quiet of the neighborhood or of particular neighbors.
(C) In case any animal shall repeatedly disturb the peace or quiet of any place or neighborhood or become a nuisance as defined in this chapter, the city may petition the Circuit Court for an order to destroy the animal.
(D) Any place in which animals are housed or kept which is unreasonably offensive to any person residing nearby, or passing along any street or alley, because of the odor or debris, or which constitutes a health hazard to the person residing nearby, is declared to be a nuisance.
(E) The owner or possessor of any dog or other animal, when allowing or permitting such animal to be off the site of the property of the owner or possessor, whether such animal is on a leash or not, shall at all times carry or possess a bag, sack, or other container capable of being sealed or tied which shall be used to pick up or gather and remove any excrement or fecal material emitted or deposited by such dog or animal. Further, it shall be the responsibility of the owner or possession of any dog or animal to pick up, remove, and properly dispose of any feces or excrement deposited or emitted by such dog or other animal upon either public or private property.
(Ord. 2005-29, passed 9-13-2005; Am. Ord. 2014-25, passed 6-23-2014) Penalty, see §
In the interest of maintaining adequate sanitation and safety standards, it shall be unlawful to keep livestock and/or non-domesticated animals within city limits. Persons who, at the enactment of this chapter, were already owners of livestock and/or non-domesticated animals within city limits, shall have 60 days in which to sell or move the livestock and/or non-domesticated animals to another location or be subject to the penalties of this chapter.
(Ord. 2005-29, passed 9-13-2005) Penalty, see § 90.99