(a) PUD Overlay District Definition. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay District is a mapped zone that establishes a development option with a set of development requirements that are in addition to those of the base (conventional) zoning district, so that any parcel of land lying in a PUD Overlay District shall also lie in one or more base district(s). The PUD Overlay District gives property owners the ability of developing according to the PUD regulations, while also retaining the base zoning district designation.
(b) Zoning Map Amendment Required.
(1) The application of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay District to a specific site shall be achieved through the zoning amendment process and the simultaneous approval of a PUD general development plan that controls the intended development of the site.
(2) The application for a zoning amendment to rezone the subject site to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) District and review of the PUD Preliminary Development Plan shall be considered concurrently by the Planning and Zoning Commission and referred to City Council for final approval in compliance with Section 1242.06.
(3) The PUD Zoning can be applied only to properties on Andrews Rd, North of Linden Street zoned as Business I or II per Chapter 1258.
(c) Ownership. An application for the approval of a PUD Overlay may be submitted by one or more owners of the property(s) or an authorized representative to be included in the PUD. If there is more than one owner or parcel for the project, the parcels shall be contiguous, and the application shall indicate that the project area is under unified control through the use of enforceable covenants or similar commitments.
(d) Effect of Rezoning to PUD Overlay District.
(1) Once a PUD Overlay District rezoning and PUD Preliminary Development Plan are approved, the use and dimensional specifications of the base zoning district are herein replaced by a review process in which an approved Preliminary Development Plan becomes the basis for continuing land use controls.
(2) The base zoning district(s) shall remain undisturbed and regulate the future use of land, except as provided in the PUD agreement. This provision shall not preclude a change in a base zoning district in conjunction with the approval of a PUD Overlay District or a future change in the base zoning district by City Council.
(3) PUD Overlay District reverts to the base zoning if and when the purpose for which the PUD Overlay District was granted is no longer viable or if the project was not substantially completed within a two year period, whichever event occurs first in time (this period for substantial completion can be extended by the action of Council).
(Ord. 2022-O-19. Passed 11-22-22.)