Successful implementation of this policy requires placement of responsibility, communication and auditing.
   (a)   The Mayor has the responsibility of coordinating the administration of this program throughout the City. Each department head has the responsibility of counseling and assisting all levels of management within their respective departments on matters relating to minority groups. Each department head shall assist the department with its communications, with community minority groups and with problems relating to minority employees.
   (b)   It is the responsibility of each director to prepare and submit to the Mayor, as requested by the Mayor, a program of affirmative action for each appropriate organization unit under the supervision of such director.
   In "Affirmative Action Guidelines, " issued as Order #4 by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance on January 30, 1970, an "affirmative action program" is defined as a set of specific and result-oriented procedures to which a contractor commits himself or herself to apply every good faith effort. The objective of those procedures, plus such efforts, is equal employment opportunity. Procedures without effort to make them work are meaningless, and effort, undirected by specific and meaningful procedures, is inadequate. An acceptable affirmative action program shall include an analysis of areas within which the contractor is deficient in the utilization of minority groups and, further, goals and timetables to which the contractor's good faith efforts shall be directed to correct the deficiencies, thus to increase materially the utilization of minorities at all levels and in all segments of his or her work force, where deficiencies exist. Hence, to fully comply with Title VII of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1964, these statements, for which each director is responsible, shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
      (1)    An in-depth analysis of the work force in his or her organization unit, to include:
         A.   Ratio of minority employees to total employees in each job category; B. Identification of each area in which minorities are "underutilized. "
         B.   "Underutilization" is defined as having fewer minorities in a particular job category than would reasonably be expected by their availability.
         C.    Percentage of minority work force as compared with the total work force in the immediate labor area;
         D.   The general availability of minorities having requisite skills in the immediate labor area;
         E.   The availability of minorities having requisite skills in an area in which the employer can reasonably recruit;
         F.   The availability of promotable minority employees within the organizational unit;
         G.   Anticipated expansion, contraction and turnover of and in the work force; and
         H.   Availability of training, both internally and externally, which can be reasonably used to make all job classes available to minority employees.
      (2)   Goals, timetables and affirmative action commitments shall be detailed in writing to correct deficiencies shown by the above analysis. Goals shall be established which meet the criteria of attainability with the expenditure of every good faith effort. Confirming data, such as seniority rosters, applicant flow data and application rejection ratios indicating minority status, shall be maintained. Special attention shall be directed to the underutilization of minorities in the following six categories: officials and managers, professionals, technicians, sales workers, office clerical and skilled craftsmen.
      (3)   Records of all special recruiting efforts, sources utilized and activities with local community action groups shall be maintained and resumes of these actions submitted with each semiannual report. Plans for continued and in creased activities of this nature shall also be Included.
   (c)   It is the responsibility of each director, superintendent and department head to communicate this policy to all employees, especially to those who make employment and personnel decisions. Every department shall continue to distribute information on this policy to all new employees during the indoctrination program.
(Ord.85-0-29. Passed 11-12-85.)