220.01   Primary election.
220.02   Deadline for filing candidacy petitions.
   Mayor - see CHTR. Art. III
   Salaries and bonds - see CHTR. Art. V
   Mayor to be ex-officio member of all boards and commissions - see CHTR. Art. VII, § 7.09
   Nominations and elections - see CHTR. Art. IX, § 9.01
   Oath of office - see CHTR. Art. IX, § 9.02
   Recall - see CHTR. Art. X, § 10.02
   Conflict of interest - see CHTR. Art. X, § 10.03
   Personal interest (elected, appointed officers and employees) - see CHTR. Art. X, § 10.04
   Issuance of zoning permits in absence of Zoning Inspector - see ADM. 236.02 (c) (2)
   Licensing of businesses generally - see B. R. & T. Ch. 804
   Licensing of peddlers and solicitors - see B. R. & T. Ch. 850
   Licensing of snow removal contractors - see B. R, & T. Ch. 860
   Licensing of taxicabs - see B. R. & T. Ch. 870