A. Establishment: The grades of all sidewalks, driveways, curbs and gutters shall be established by the director of public works or his designee and the same shall be recorded by the building inspector. No work shall commence until the grade thereof is established.
B. Alteration Of Grade Prohibited: No person shall alter the grade of any sidewalk, driveway, curb or gutter, or public ground or any part thereof in the city by any means whatsoever unless authorized or instructed to do so by the director of public works or his designee. All such alterations of grade shall be recorded in the office of the building inspector by the officer authorizing the alteration. (1975 Code Ch. 6 § IV; amd. 2009 Code)
Before engaging in any sidewalk, driveway or curb and gutter work, or receiving a permit or permits to do such work, the person, firm or corporation shall execute unto the city, and deposit with the building inspector, a bond with two (2) or more sureties, or an indemnity bond, to be approved by the building inspector in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), conditional that he or they will perform faithfully all work with due care and skill and in accordance with the law, ordinances, rules and regulations governing the installation of such work. The bond shall state that the person, firm or corporation will indemnify the city and save it harmless against all damages, costs, expenses, outlay and claims of every nature and kind arising out of any unskillfulness or negligence on his or their part in connection with the work being done as prescribed in this chapter. Such bonds shall remain in force until all claims, penalties and demands are satisfied; provided, that if the sureties on such bonds or any of them shall become insolvent or remove from the state, the building inspector shall require a new bond before granting any further permits to such obliger. The above requirements may be waived, providing the applicant can show proof that he or they have public liability insurance adequate to cover all the above indemnities. (1975 Code Ch. 6 § IV)
A. Owner To Construct:
1. It shall be the duty of the abutting owner to build, repair, construct and perpetually maintain sidewalks, curb and gutter along or upon any street, alley or highway in the city. The common council shall levy a special assessment for such improvements.
2. Whenever the common council shall by resolution determine that a sidewalk, driveway, curb and gutter be laid, rebuilt, repaired, lowered or raised along or upon any street, alley or highway within the city, it shall proceed according to section 66.0907, Wisconsin statutes.
B. Crosswalks And Street Intersections: The installation of crosswalks and curbing at street intersections will be the responsibility of the city, if so elected by the common council.
C. Sidewalks, Curb And Gutter Construction By City: The furnishing of work, labor and materials in the construction and repair hereafter of sidewalks, curbs and gutters within the city, may by resolution, be done with or without advertising or submitting the same for bids thereon, directly by the city. (1975 Code Ch. 6 § IV; amd. 2009 Code)