It shall be the responsibility of the applicant of every proposed subdivision to have prepared by a registered engineer a complete set of construction plans, including profiles, cross section, specifications and other supporting data for all required public streets, utilities and other facilities. All construction plans shall be prepared in accordance with the public agencies' standards or specifications and submitted to the city for approval at the same time as a final plat application. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall provide three (3) copies of record drawings in hard copy, one (1) electronic copy in a format compatible with AutoCad and one (1) electronic copy in .pdf format that accurately show measurements to all underground utilities and appurtenances, including services, and the street grade elevations. (Ord. 276, 10-11-2021)
Every applicant, except applicants for administrative lot split or lot line adjustments, shall be required to install the following public and other improvements in accordance with the conditions and specifications as follow:
A. Monuments: Survey monuments shall be set in accordance with sections 50-1303 and 54-1227, Idaho code. Also, all lot corners; block corners; street center lines; center of cul-de-sacs; points of curvature; points of tangency; and points of beginning shall be surveyed and established on the ground.
B. Streets And Alleys: All streets and alleys shall be constructed in accordance with ISPWC and any standards adopted by the city.
C. Curbs And Gutters: Vertical curbs and gutters shall be constructed on collector and arterial streets. Rolled or vertical curbs shall be required on minor streets. All construction shall be in accordance with ISPWC and any standards adopted by the city.
D. Bicycle Pathways: A paved bicycle pathway may be required in subdivisions, as part of the public right-of-way or as a separate easement. If the city requires a bike path, consideration should be given to locating pathways to promote interconnectivity between neighboring subdivisions.
E. Installation Of Public Utilities: Underground utilities are required subject to the council adopted policies and/or ordinances.
F. Driveways: All driveway openings in curbs and approaches shall be in accordance with ISPWC and any standards adopted by the city.
G. Storm Drainage: Shall be approved in accordance with policies adopted and approved by the city, which shall include, but not be limited to, on-site retainage and shall be subject to and comply with all Idaho department of environmental quality, environmental protection agency, Idaho department of water resources, and other state or federal agency standards related to the management of storm water.
H. Public Water Supply And Sewer Systems:
1. All public water supply or sewer systems (serving two (2) or more separate premises or households) shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the city and any applicable adopted specifications. All new public water supply or sewer systems shall be an extension of an existing public system whenever possible.
2. No construction shall occur prior to approval by the department of environmental quality or by a qualified licensed professional engineer (QLPE) for the city as outlined in Idaho administrative code 58.01.08 and 58.01.16.
I. Fire Hydrants And Water Mains: Adequate fire protection shall be required in accordance with the requirements of the city and approval of the Melba rural fire department fire code official which will include the type, location and frequency of all fire hydrants.
J. Street Name Signs And Other Traffic Signs: Street name signs and stop signs shall be installed in the appropriate location at each street intersection in accordance with local standards. Other traffic controls signs may be required by the city.
K. Sidewalks And Pedestrian Walkways: Sidewalks of at least five (5) feet in width are required on both sides of the street.
L. Buffer strips controlling access to arterial and collector streets shall be required and located on a common lot to be owned and maintained by a homeowner's association to be established by the applicant. If the applicant fails to establish a homeowner's association, the maintenance of these common lots shall remain the obligation of the applicant. The buffer strip shall be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') in width, a privacy fence or berm and landscaping. The fence shall be vinyl, chainlink with privacy slats or cedar. If cedar is installed, it shall have steel posts and an oil stain which shall be restained every five (5) years. The landscaping and fence or berm area shall be maintained by the homeowners' association.
M. Street Lighting: An applicant shall install street lights subject to requirements of the city and the public utility providing such lighting.
N. Irrigation: Pressure irrigation water shall be provided to each lot separate from and not part of the city domestic water supply. Supply pressure shall be between forty-five (45) and fifty-five (55) pounds per square inch at a minimum design flow rate of nine (9) gallons per minute per each lot in the entire development. Specific pressure irrigation development plans including pump stations and design calculations shall be submitted for approval along with the final plat the Idaho standards for public works construction. There shall be no cross connections between irrigation and domestic waterlines. The irrigation plans must also be reviewed by the city engineer. (Ord. 276, 10-11-2021)
A. Acceptance Into City System: No completed improvements will be accepted into the city system for perpetual maintenance unless constructed according to city standards, and until acceptance conditions have been met or a variance granted thereto.
B. Warranty Agreement: The city requires a one-year warranty agreement with responsible parties prior to acceptance of public improvements for public maintenance. Therefore, all applicants shall enter a one-year warranty agreement with the city prior to acceptance of improvements into the city system, or the city shall not be required to accept said improvements. Further, failure to enter this agreement may provide a basis for the city to deny a final plat application.
C. Financial Guarantee Agreements: When construction of all required improvements cannot be timely completed due to conditions beyond the applicant's control, and in the sole discretion of the city, an applicant may enter into a financial guarantee agreement with the city approved by the city attorney. In the event the city and applicant cannot reach acceptable terms for a financial guarantee agreement, this option shall not be available and the applicant shall be required to construct the required improvements by the required deadline. In conjunction with a signed agreement, the applicant is to provide a financial guarantee of performance in one or a combination of the following arrangements, subject to approval by the city:
1. Cash Deposit, Certified Check, Or Irrevocable Bank Letter Of Credit:
a. Treasurer, Escrow Agent Or Trust Company: A cash deposit, certified check, or an irrevocable bank letter of credit or such other surety acceptable by the council, shall be deposited with an escrow agent of trust company.
b. Dollar Value: The dollar value of the cash deposit, certified check, or irrevocable bank letter of credit shall be equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost of construction for specific public improvements, as estimated by the city engineer and approved by the council.
c. Escrow Time: The escrow time for the cash deposit, certified check, or irrevocable bank letter of credit shall be for a period to be specified by the council; and
d. Progressive Payment: In the case of cash deposits and certified checks, an agreement between the council and applicant may provide for progressive payment out of the cash deposit or reduction of the certified check, or irrevocable bank letter of credit, to the extent of the cost of the completed portion of the public improvements, in accordance with a previously entered into agreement.
2. Surety Bond: Of note, surety bonds are a less desirable financial assurance than those identified above, and financial guarantee agreements where applicant desires to provide a surety bond are unlikely to be approved by the city in most instances. However, if the city agrees to the surety bond as financial assurance, the following conditions apply:
a. Accrual: The bond shall accrue to the city covering construction, operation and maintenance of the specific public improvement;
b. Amount: The bond shall be in an amount equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the total estimated cost for completing construction of the specific public improvement, as estimated by the city engineer and approved by the council and after the acceptance of the completed improvements by the city, the agreement shall extend for one (1) year and be in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the construction costs.
c. Term Length: The term length in which the bond is in force shall be for a period to be specified by the council for the specific public improvement.
d. Bonding For Surety Company: The bond shall be with a surety company authorized to do business in the state, acceptable to the council.
e. The escrow agreement shall be drawn and furnished by the council.
D. Preconstruction Meeting And Inspection By City Engineer: Prior to any construction of any improvements, there shall be a pre-construction meeting among the applicant, the city engineer and the public works director at which meeting the plans and construction timetable shall be reviewed and an inspection agreement between the applicant and the city will be established to provide for the schedule of inspection to assure conformity to the submitted plans. The inspection agreement shall be entered into before there is an approval of the final plat and construction plans and specifications for public improvements. (Ord. 276, 10-11-2021)