The powers and duties of the Medina City Archive Commission shall be:
(a) To work with the Records Commission of the City of Medina in identifying, preserving and displaying such City records as are of historical significance. The Archive Commission may initiate its own review of said records and report its recommendations to the Records Commission and City Council.
(b) To recommend programs for the renovation, preservation and maintenance of public buildings within the City of Medina which the Commission designates as being historically significant.
(c) To actively seek to acquire artifacts representative of the history of the City. The Commission shall publicize its efforts in an attempt to acquire items through donation whenever possible. Accurate records of donors, item descriptions and historic reference shall be maintained on all acquisitions. Where an acquisition may represent a potential fiscal burden on the City, the Commission shall seek Council approval prior to acquisition. The Commission may present to Council recommendations regarding the provision of funding for the purchase and maintenance of acquisitions.
(d) To develop a public museum for the purpose of displaying acquisitions and promoting an appreciation and understanding of the community's history. The Commission shall see to the security of all acquisitions, oversee the public viewing of acquisitions and provide variety through the rotation of displays.
(e) To oversee the development of public programs and activities designed to enhance citizen awareness of the City's rich historic nature and its archival collection.
(Ord. 139-97. Passed 6-23-97.)