(a) Qualifications. Commission members shall be residents of Medina County, have an interest in Medina's heritage and exhibit a desire to work diligently to achieve the Commission's goals. At all times, a majority of Commission members shall be residents of the City of Medina. (Ord. 139-97. Passed 6-23-97.)
(b) Membership. Six members of the Commission shall be appointed from the general public to the terms and in the manner specified below. In addition, and at their discretion, the following organizations may appoint one voting representative to the Commission: Medina City Council, the Historic Preservation Board, the Records Commission, and the Community Design Committee.
Further, the Commission may, at any duly called meeting, appoint up to a total of five additional interested citizens to serve on the Commission for one-year terms.
(Ord. 8-98. Passed 1-26-98.)