(a)   There is hereby created a Historic District Parking Committee, which shall consist of 11 members appointed by the entities listed in subsection (b) below and confirmed by Council.
   (b)   The membership shall contain representatives from the following areas:
      (1)   Two (2) appointed by the Mayor from the City; one from the Police Department and one from the Planning Department,
      (2)   Two (2) appointed by the Medina County Commissioners,
      (3)   One (1) appointed by the Medina District Library,
      (4)   One (1) appointed by the Medina City Schools; and
      (5)   Five (5) appointed by the Medina Area Chamber of Commerce from the business community.
   (c)   The term of the members shall be four years; except that of the initial membership of the committee. Six members shall be appointed for a four-year term and five members for a two-year term.
(Ord. 179-01. Passed 10-8-01.)