Authority is hereby granted as specified hereinafter to allow City police officers to provide police protection to other political subdivisions in accordance with Ohio R.C. 737.041.
(a)    The Chief of the Medina Police Department, or any police sergeant, or command officer is authorized to order an officer or officers, employee or employees of the City Police Department, to provide police protection to any county, township or municipal corporation of this State.
(b)    No police officer or employee shall provide police protection to any county, township or municipal corporation unless he or she:
(1)    Either requests permission to so act and the same is granted by those authorized to give such permission; or
(2)    They are directed to so act by a person with such authority.
(c)    All those persons named in subsection (a) hereof to grant such authority may themselves grant their own individual persons such authority.
(d)    All persons so permitted to act outside the City under this resolution must notify the Communication Department of the time they leave the City, who authorized the same, their intended destination, make periodic reports to the Communication sections, and report when they return to the City.
(e)    All persons so given authority to approve police protection outside the City first must consider the police protection of the City as the first priority. Should the City need protection of the absent officers during the course of such external protection, the persons granting such authority shall order that person or persons back to the City immediately.
      (Res. 78-85. Passed 6-24-85.)