SECTION III-1. Composition and Term.
   The legislative powers of the City, except as otherwise provided by this Charter and by the Constitution of the State of Ohio, shall be vested in a Council of seven (7) members, one of whom shall be elected by the people as the President of Council.
   The President of Council and two (2) members of the Council shall be elected at large. The other four (4) members of Council shall be designated as Ward Councilmen, and they shall be elected by the voters in their respective wards. One Ward Councilman shall be elected from each of the four (4) wards in the City of Medina, as those wards now exist or as they may, from time to time, be altered by the Council.
   At the first regular Municipal election following adoption of this amendment, the President of Council, two (2) Councilmen at large and the Ward Councilmen from Ward No. 2 and Ward No. 4 shall be elected, and they shall assume office on the first day of January following their election, for terms of four years or until their successors are elected, except that one of such at large Councilmen shall be elected for a term of two years only; that same at large Council seat shall then become the at large Council position to be filled at the next regular Municipal election.
   At the second regular Municipal election following adoption of this amendment, one (1) Councilman at large and the Ward Councilmen from Ward No. 1 and Ward No. 3 shall be elected, and they shall each assume office on the first day of January following their elections, for terms of four years or until their respective successors are elected.
   All candidates seeking election shall in their petitions for nomination designate the office sought and the term thereof.
(Approved by voters November 8, 1966. )