(a)   The Mayor (Director of Public Safety), President of Council, the Director of Law, Director of Finance, and the Director of Public Service, or in their absence, each member's designee, shall constitute the Board of Control; the Mayor shall be ex-officio president.
   The Board shall keep a record of its proceedings, all votes shall be by the yeas and nays, entered on the record, and the vote of a majority of all members of the Board shall be necessary to adopt any question, motion, or order.
   (b)   Approval by the Board shall be contingent upon the Director of Finance certifying that the funds are available in the amount specified to provide for the payment of the contract or expenditure.
   (c)   The members of the Board shall prepare estimates of the revenue and expenditures of their respective department to be submitted to Council by the Mayor, as provided by the general laws of Ohio.
   (d)   The Board shall have exclusive authority to hear all requests to waive water, sanitation, or any other utility charges the City may bill. They shall have the authority to authorize payment plans for any such charges and the authority to waive or adjust disputed water, sanitation, or other utility charges up to two hundred dollars ($200.00). Such decisions shall be issued by ordinary mail to the objecting customer, which shall be a final order. The Board shall also review any requests to waive charges in excess of two hundred dollars ($200.00) and forward the request, together with its recommendation, to Council for final determination. Such recommendations shall be delivered to the Clerk of Council in writing for appropriate Council action.
   (e)   The Board shall have authority to review and decide matters in connection with wage continuation requests for City of Medina employees. The Board shall have authority to review and make recommendations to the Medina City Council in connection with bid awards and change orders on bid contracts. The Board shall have authority to review and decide matters involving property damage issues involving the City of Medina up to a cost of twenty five hundred dollars ($2,500). The Board may review and decide issues involving throwing away outdated City of Medina equipment that is not suitable for auction. The Board shall have authority to authorize a request for additional sick time presented by a Medina City employee through the Medina City Civil Service Rules.
(Ord. 69-09. Passed 5-11-09.)
   (f)   The Board shall have the authority to approve individual promotional sales for the Medina Community Recreation Center and the Memorial Park Swimming Pool.
(Ord. 52-10. Passed 3-22-10.)