Where fire lanes have not been established on private property devoted to public use and when, in the opinion of the Chief of the Fire Department such lanes should be established to protect the public from the hazards of fire, the Director of Public Safety shall have the authority to order such lanes to be established. These fire lanes shall be maintained at the expense of the owner(s) of the property. The owner(s) of the property directly affected by a decision of the Director of Public Safety to establish fire lanes pursuant to this chapter shall be notified by certified mail of such decision and may request a hearing before an Appeals Board. Such Appeals Board shall consist of the Building Code Board of Appeals and a Certified Fire Prevention Officer, designated by the Chief of the Fire Department, to present objections thereto. A request for hearing shall be made in writing within twenty days after receipt of notice to the property owner and shall be directed to the Director of Public Safety.
   Upon receipt of such request, the Director of Public Safety shall fix a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty days, and place for a hearing and give due notice thereof to the property owner(s). At such hearing, the property owner(s) shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and present objections and alternatives to the proposed establishment of fire lanes. Upon consideration of such objectives and alternatives, the Appeals Board shall consider the burden imposed on the property by such fire lane and in no case shall require an imposition greater than is reasonably necessary to adequately protect the public from the hazards of fire.
(Ord. 92-03. Passed 7-14-03.)