(a)    The storage of liquid petroleum in tanks aboveground and underground shall conform with all regulations set forth by the State and applicable to local ordinances.
   (b)    Any person or persons being the owner, occupant, lessee or agent having the direction and control of tanks or container known as "above the ground storage, " shall comply with all sections of this chapter and of this Fire Prevention Code at the earliest possible date.
   (c)    Any storage or petroleum liquids aboveground in individual container or tank of greater than sixty gallon capacity, each shall be known as aboveground storage.
   (d)    Each tank containing crude petroleum or other liquids which have a tendency to boil over, shall be diked; tanks containing petroleum liquid installed on the bank of a river, stream or on sloping ground exposing property below, shall be diked. Dikes shall be required for any other tank or tanks, irrespective of capacity when deemed necessary for reason of hazard or in the interest of public safety.
   (e)    Capacity of required dikes shall be not less than the capacity of the tank or when more than one tank is located in the enclosure not less than the capacity of the largest tank plus ten percent of the aggregate capacity of all other tanks in the enclosures.
   (f)    All dikes shall be continuous with no openings for roadways, and no residual openings shall remain as the result of piping passing through. Approved drainage facilities may be installed.
   (g)    Dikes shall be constructed of earth, clay, steel or masonry, or reinforced concrete so constructed as to be watertight and to afford adequate protection. Concrete or masonry dikes shall be properly reinforced and shall have footing below the frost line. Dikes shall not exceed six feet in height except when topography or other conditions make this impracticable.
   (h)    Diked areas shall not be used for storage of materials. Equipment for operation of tanks may be installed within dikes.
   (i)    Drainage of such area of storage shall be so designed that petroleum liquids will not enter public sewer systems.
(Ord. 1361. Passed 8-28-50.)