TCOV.8 Building Materials and Appurtenances.
   (a)   The architectural character and exterior building materials of new and remodeled buildings should be harmonious with surrounding buildings in color and texture, proportion, scale, patterns and opening sizes and shapes.
   (b)   Construction materials and colors for walls and fences that are visible from the street should be uniform and compatible with the architectural style, color and building material of the building and its surroundings.
   (c)   The original pattern of window and door openings and their shape and configuration should not be altered. Window and door openings should not be reduced, enlarged, or filled-in on street facade. Replacement windows and doors should match the original in size, shape and design.
   (d)   Original materials should be repaired, restored, and reused whenever possible. Where necessary missing or deteriorated materials should be replaced with appropriate recycled or new materials which match the original as closely as possible.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)