(a) Landscaping should be used to improve the appearance of developed areas.
(b) Plan materials should be chosen which are indigenous, moderately fast-growing and require minimal maintenance. The landscape design should incorporate the entire site and consist of a palette of plants with year round appeal which may include: annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees.
(c) Where landscaping is used as screening, it shall be opaque year round (e.g. coniferous).
(d) Landscape screening shall be of a height and density so that it provides the full desired effect within three (3) years growing time.
(e) Landscaping, walls, planters or similar means should be used to screen parked cars. Whenever structures such as walls or fences are used to create a screen, plants should be located at the base of the structure which can be seen from the surrounding streets, walks and other properties which are used by the public. Landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Forester.
(f) New and remodeled buildings should include landscaping in the form of street trees, shrubbery along the public rights-of-way, and at the front façade of the building. All street trees should be at least three and one-half (3½) inch caliper and should be spaced a minimum of twenty- five to thirty (25-30) feet apart.
(g) Tree species should be hardy city types and be approved by the City Forrester.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)