The following requirements shall apply to all uses that utilize dumpsters, recycling and trash handling areas, donation boxes and related service entrances. Dumpsters, recycling and donation boxes shall be accessory to a principal building on a lot.
(a)   Dumpsters, Recycling, Trash Handling Areas and Related Service Equipment.
      (1)   Setbacks. Dumpsters, recycling, trash handling areas and related service equipment, shall be located a minimum of five (5) feet from an adjacent lot with nonresidential zoning and a minimum of twenty (20) feet from an adjacent lot with residential zoning. In the C-2 zoning district or the Public Square Area, as defined in Section 1135.07(a), the Planning Commission or Planning Director may waive such setback requirements if compliance is determined to be infeasible. The dumpster and/or related equipment shall be located on a concrete pad constructed of sufficient strength for the dumpsters, recycling, equipment and vehicles that will empty the units.
         (Ord. 198-23. Passed 11-27-23.)
(2)   Location of Screen. Any dumpster, recycling, trash handling or similar equipment area shall be screened on three sides by a solid fence or wall from the view from public rights-of-way and any abutting properties. If the access to the unit is visible from the public right-of-way, a gate shall be installed that fully screens the dumpsters, recycling, trash handling or similar equipment area.
(3)   Height and construction of Screen.
A.   Any fence or wall required under this Section shall have a height no greater than seven (7) feet and no less than five (5) feet.
B.   If a wall is constructed, it should be painted in a similar color to the main building.
(B)   Donation Boxes. Donation boxes are a receptacle used for the unmanned collection of donated and secondhand goods and merchandise for the purpose of redistribution by an entity such as Goodwill, Special Olympics, Planet Aid, St. Vincent DePaul, etc.
(1)   Setbacks.
A.   Donation boxes shall be in compliance with the setback requirements for accessory structures as determined by the zone district in which such structure is constructed. The donation box shall be located on a concrete pad or paved area constructed of sufficient strength for the donation box, equipment and vehicles that will empty the units.
B.   Donation boxes may be permitted in front of a building or structure provided it is behind the minimum front yard setback line for the district in which it is located.
(2)   Requirements and Maintenance.
A.   A permittee shall operate and maintain or cause to be operated and maintained all unattended donation boxes located in the City as follows:
1.   Unattended donation boxes shall be maintained in good condition and appearance with no structural damage, holes, or visible rust, and shall be free of graffiti;
2.   Unattended donation boxes shall be locked or otherwise secured;
3.   Unattended donation boxes shall contain the following contact information in two inch type visible from the front of each unattended donation box: the name, address, email, and phone number of both the permittee and operator;
4.   Unattended donation boxes shall be serviced and emptied as needed.
5.   Unattended donation boxes shall be no more than eighty-tow (82) inches high, fifty-six (56) inches wide and forty-nine (49) inches deep.
6.   The City may require that the box be secured to the ground to prevent unauthorized movement.
B.   If the donation box is located under a building awning or within ten (10) feet of a wall of a building, it may be required to have an approved fire protection system.
C.   The permittee shall maintain or cause to be maintained the area surrounding the unattended donation box(es) free of any junk, debris or other material and shall be responsible to the extent provided by law for the cost to abate any violation.
D.   Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, it is unlawful for any person to place an unattended donation box:
1.   On any property used for residential purposes.
2.   On or in required parking or loading spaces.
               (Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)