(a)   All uses permitted under Section 1129.02, other than one and two-family residences, shall be permitted only after review and approval of site plans by the Planning Commission according to the standards, criteria and regulations of Chapter 1109.
   (b)   Exterior lighting shall not shine directly on adjacent properties and shall be designed to be compatible with a residential area.
   (c)   Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to prohibit multiple or mixed uses within a single structure.
   (d)   No fire escapes or other exterior stairways to upper floors of a building shall be located on a building facade facing a street.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)
   (e)   Additions made to existing residential buildings after the effective date of this section shall be limited to twenty- five percent (25%) of the area of the principal building as it existed on the effective date of this section or 1,250 square feet, whichever is less.
   (f)    When residential buildings are adapted for other uses permitted in the district, the new use shall maintain the same basic residential environment in terms of the building exterior, landscaping and operation of the nonresidential use.
   (g)    New uses should be located in existing residential buildings when possible. All new principal buildings proposed for in the M-U District, shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the average of the floor areas of all principal residential buildings on lots adjacent to and across the street from the lot on which the new building is to be located. The source for all such information shall be the Medina County Auditor. In addition, all new buildings shall be compatible with the existing residential environment in terms of scale, proportion, facade materials, and color.
   (h)    All uses shall be conducted in a manner which is compatible with a residential neighborhood. (Ord. 198-23. Passed 11-27-23.)