(a) Findings and Purposes. A transition corridor is identified as one of the corridors listed in the City's Comprehensive Plan, or a similar area, that is experiencing an increased demand for commercial uses in areas that previously were residential. It is important that the visual appearance and composition of these areas be maintained in order to put forth a positive image of Medina at these important "Gateways" into the City. It is in the interest of the City to protect and enhance the built features of such transition corridors by:
(1) Preventing the deterioration of property and the extension of blighting conditions.
(2) Revitalizing and protecting private investment which improves and stimulates the economic vitality and social character of the area.
(3) Encouraging development that creates compatible relationships with the residential character that has been established.
(4) Enhancing the aesthetic and architectural compatibility within neighborhoods and commercial areas.
(b) Characteristics. TC-OV Districts as herein defined shall be found to contain at least one of the following characteristics:
(1) Function as a primary gateway or corridor into the City of Medina;
(2) Possess mixture of residential and nonresidential uses;
(3) Exhibit a current trend or potential for the further conversion of residential uses to nonresidential uses; and
(4) Contain a mixture of residential and nonresidential zoning classifications within the corridor.
(c) Guidelines. Guidelines for the TC-OV District are located in the appendix of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)