After a Preliminary Plan in a Special Planning District (SPD) has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, the next step is Final Site Plan approval. Final Site Plans shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission in accordance with the existing Site Plan Review procedure found in Chapter 1109 and with additional Development Guidelines review criteria adopted for each Special Planning District.
In addition to the Site Plan Review list of data required with application as set forth in Chapter 1109, the Planning Commission shall have other data requirements for reviewing Final Site Development Plans, which shall be at a scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet and shall include the following additional information:
(a) Buildings. Location, height, elevations, arrangement, and identification of all buildings and uses on the subject property and, where applicable, location and arrangement of all lots with lot dimensions shall be provided;
(b) Open Space and Recreation. Location and arrangement of all common open space areas and recreational facilities, including lot dimensions. Methods of ownership and operations and maintenance of such lands shall be identified;
(c) Landscaping Plan. Include identification of planting areas, species and size of plants and the location, type and height of walls and fences shall be provided; also any vegetative buffers;
(d) Signs. Location of signs indicating their orientation, lighting, size and height;
(e) Stormwater Detention. Including a system of stormwater control for runoff and detention for both before and after construction;
(f) Utilities. Indicate location of other utilities such as electric, telephone, cable television, etc. including the type of service, and the width of easements;
(g) Circulation System. Location of all proposed and existing pedestrian and vehicular systems shall be identified;
(1) Pedestrian walkways, and bikeways including alignment, grades, type of surfacing and width; and
(2) Streets, including alignment, grades, type of surfacing, width of pavement and right-of-way, geometric details and typical cross section.
(h) Lighting. Exterior lighting and any street furniture or outdoor decorative structures proposed, refuse storage areas and proposed method of screening;
(i) Development Schedule. A schedule of development, including the staging or phasing of:
(1) Streets, utilities and other public facility improvements, in order of priority;
(2) Public/ Common Area - dedication of land to public use or set aside for common ownership;
(3) Buildings and uses, in order of priority of construction.
The aforementioned information may be combined in any suitable and convenient manner that clearly represents the required data. Specific submission requirements may be waived by the Planning Commission if the requirements are judged inapplicable for the particular situation.
No building permit shall be issued nor any plans be approved for zoning compliance in any of the SPD Districts/ subdistricts unless there are Preliminary and Final Site Plans approved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall review the Final Site Plan to see if it is in conformance with the approved Conceptual Plan and Preliminary Plan. Simultaneous submission of a Preliminary Site Plan and a Final Site Plan is not permitted. Action by the Planning Commission on Final Site Plan approval is final. Such action may be appealed in accordance with Ohio law.
(Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)