Preliminary Plans shall be drawn to a scale of a minimum of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet and shall be in conformity to the Conceptual Development Plan and shall include the following as a minimum:
(a)   Area. The total area in the project;
(b)   Zones. The present zoning of the subject and all adjacent properties;
(c)   Rights-of-way and Easements. Shall include all existing and proposed public and private rights of way and easements located on or adjacent to the subject property;
(d)   Topography. Existing and proposed topographical changes;
(e)   Utilities on and Adjacent to the Site. Location, size and invert elevations of sanitary and storm sewers; location and size of water mains and fire hydrants. If water mains, sewers and/or culverts are not on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction and distance to and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers and culverts;
(f)   Streets. Location of existing and proposed streets, identifying approximate dimensions of pavement, right-of-way width and grades sufficient enough to show both internal and external connections to the existing street system. Furthermore, an estimate of the number of vehicle trips generated shall be required. In certain circumstances, the Planning Commission may require the submission of a Traffic Impact Study, at the expense of the applicant, to determine the impact of the new vehicle trips on the existing roadway network;
(g)   Pedestrian Circulation. Location of existing and proposed pedestrian sidewalks, walkways, bikeways;
(h)   Buildings. Location of existing and proposed buildings and intended uses, and acres proposed for each use. Identify the proposed length, width, and height of each building. Also include data on proposed gross floor areas and identify the proposed architectural theme;
(i)   Lot Coverage. Identify the percent coverage of lots in the SPD.
(j)   Open space and recreation. The approximate amount of areas proposed for common open space, including the location of recreational facilities and identification of unique natural features to be retained;
(k)   Uses. Location and type of all existing and proposed uses, including approximate number of acreage and heights of buildings;
(l)   Soil Types. Identification of the soil types and geologic formation on the subject property, indicating any anticipated problems and proposed methods of handling said problems;
(m)   Parking and Loading. General size and location of existing and proposed parking and loading facilities;
(n)   Landscaping Plan. Preliminary landscaping and buffering outline plan;
(o)   Other information that may be determined necessary for description and/or to insure proper integration of the proposed project with the area.
      (Ord. 109-14. Passed 6-23-14.)