(a)   To qualify for snow plowing, the resident must file an application and register on forms provided by the City with the Mayor’s Office on dates publicized each year and meet the following requirements:
      (1)   The resident must own and reside in the dwelling for which participation in the program is being requested.
      (2)   The resident must be at least sixty-five years of age or temporarily or permanently disabled.
(Ord. 163-11. Passed 11-28-11.)
      (3)   Income must not exceed 65% of the median income for Medina County as established by the HUD Income Limits (on file in the Community Development Office at Medina City Hall). (Ord. 164-12. Passed 9-10-12.)
      (4)   There is no other able-bodied person residing with the resident capable of removing snow, be such person male or female, over 12 years of age.
      (5)   Medically impaired residents must present a doctor’s certificate or other proof stating the disability along with the application, which shall be kept on file.
      (6)   The resident must be Active Duty Military or National Guard and Reserve currently activated and deployed.
      (7)   A non-refundable fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) will be required to assist in defraying the costs of administration and services.
      (8)   The resident must certify that they will remain in the residence from December 1st through March 31st and will not voluntarily be absent from the residence during any one time for longer than thirty (30) consecutive days.
      (9)   Any resident who would otherwise qualify to receive snow removal services under this section, but for item six, will qualify with payment of an additional non-refundable fee of twenty-dollars ($20.00) per month of absence to be paid at the time of registration or no later than June 15th.
      (10)   The applicant must agree to release the City, its servants, agents and employees from any liability arising out of snow removal on the applicant’s property.
      (11)   The applicant must present a copy of a Federal Income Tax Form from the previous year and demonstrate proof of compliance with the above and otherwise comply with such rules and regulations promulgated by the Mayor and/or Service Director in connection with this program.
      (12)   Applications must be received no later than December 1st for 2011 and November 1st for the subsequent years after.
   Falsification of any information contained in the application of a City of Medina resident for participation in this program will result in immediate and permanent disqualification and the applicant will be required to reimburse the City of Medina for all costs incurred.
(Ord. 163-11. Passed 11-28-11.)