(a) Billing. The monthly charges provided for above shall be made directly against the real estate (premises) and the owners thereof, except that such charges may be billed directly to the current tenant, lessee or occupant. The City shall bill such charges monthly and allow at least ten days for payment.
(b) Each charge for the collection and disposal of garbage and/or rubbish that is levied pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be made a lien on the premises to which service was rendered after the expiration of thirty days from the last date on which such charge could have been paid without penalty, by the certification of such unpaid charge with penalty by the Director of Finance to the County Auditor for collection. It shall be placed on the tax duplicate, with interest and penalties allowed by law, and be collected as other Municipal taxes.
(c) In the event of failure to pay the billing for garbage and/or rubbish collection and disposal service, the City shall suspend or discontinue sanitation and water services to the delinquent premises until all unpaid billings have been paid in full. In the event of discontinuance of water service, the charge for restoration of service shall be collected.
(d) If the holder of the delinquent account has more than one account with the City of Medina, the delinquent accounts may be consolidated and the full amount owed billed to the current account. (Ord. 105-22. Passed 5-23-22.)