The regulations and deposit for transporting earth over City streets shall be as follows:
No contractor, builder or other person shall transport any earth, debris, building material or equipment over any dedicated street of the City nor allow any person or firm under employment or contract for such transportation to transport any such earth, debris, building material or equipment over City streets without first making a cash deposit or furnishing a proper bond with the Director of Public Service in the equivalent amount, not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), to be determined by the Director as a guarantee that such contractor, builder or other person will clean or remove from the street any earth, debris or building material that falls from or is deposited by trucks or other vehicles on the street. If the contractor, builder or other person fails or neglects to remove or clean such materials from the street daily or at the request of the Director, then the City will do so or employ or contract for the necessary labor to perform such work and deduct the cost of such work from the money or apply the bond so deposited, as herein required, and in any case, will retain a ten dollar ($10.00) fee to cover administration and inspection costs, and return the balance remaining, if any, upon order of the Director of Public Service, to the contractor, builder or other person making the deposit.
(Ord. 95-68. Passed 9-23-68.)