(a)    The practice of going on and upon residential property in the City, or ringing a doorbell or knocking on a door of a private residence, including an apartment, by any solicitor or peddler not having been requested or invited so to do by the owner or owners, occupant or occupants or lessee of such private residence, or apartments, for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares and merchandise, or peddling or hawking the same, is declared to be a nuisance.
   Any peddler or solicitor, being uninvited, who goes on or upon residential property in the City shall be deemed to have committed a nuisance, unless such entry is exempted from the operation of this chapter.
   (b)   No person shall peddle or solicit on Sunday or before the hour of 8:00 a.m. of any day, or after the hour of 6:00 p.m. of any day.
   (c)   No peddler or solicitor, or any person pretending to be a peddler or solicitor, for the purpose of peddling or soliciting or pretending to peddle or solicit shall ring the bell or knock at any building whereon there is painted, affixed or otherwise displayed to public view any sign containing any or all of the following words:
“No Peddlers”, “No Solicitor” or “No Agents” or which otherwise purports to prohibit peddling or soliciting on the premises.
   (d)   No person shall solicit for the employment of a watchman or patrolman.
   (e)   No peddler or solicitor shall represent by words, writing or action that he is some other peddler or solicitor, that he is a partner, employee or agent of any peddler or solicitor when in fact he is not the partner, agent or employee of such peddler or solicitor, or that he is the employee, representative, agent or partner of any person when in fact he is not the employee, representative, agent or partner of such person.
(Ord. 62-59. Passed 9-28-95.)
   (f)   No peddler or solicitor shall cry his wares in a loud voice or use any noise- producing device other than a soft chime, the limit of audibility of which shall be sixty feet from the source of such sounds, nor shall any peddler commit any breach of peace in crying his wares or soliciting the sale of his products.
(Ord. 94-98. Passed 5-11-98.)
   (g)   No person, firm or corporation shall sell or distribute on the streets, alleys, parks or other public grounds of the City any goods, wares or merchandise.
(Ord. 62-59. Passed 9-28-59.)