A. System Established; Costs Described: A system of limited access facilities, consisting of the streets, avenues, boulevards and ways and parts of streets, avenues, boulevards and ways hereinafter described, is hereby established and created within the corporate limits of the city as now existing or as the same may be hereafter extended, and in recognition of the general use of the streets, avenues, boulevards, ways and parts thereof, and of the wear and destruction of the same by heavy general traffic thereon, including passenger automobiles, buses, trucks and other vehicles, and to the extent that the costs of acquisition of rights of way and property necessary in the establishment of the limited access facilities exceed the benefits to property abutting thereon, such limited access facilities are hereby declared to be improvements of a general nature, and such costs, to the extent that they exceed the benefits to property abutting thereon, are hereby declared to be costs of a general nature.
B. Streets And Public Ways Designated: The following streets, avenues, boulevards and ways and parts of streets, avenues, boulevards, and ways within the corporate limits of the city, as now existing or as the same may be hereafter extended, are hereby designated as limited access facilities and as arterial highways, the same being streets or highways especially designed for through traffic, entrance into which at intersections may be limited, by requiring all entering vehicles to be brought to a complete stop, and the city council may otherwise protect the right of way of vehicles thereon, the arterial highways being described as follows: (1987 Code § 14-110)
Arena Road, starting at 29th Street (SH 270), north one mile to 15th Street.
Kickapoo Road, starting at Arena Road, west one mile to Market Road.
Parkwood Road, starting at Arena Road, west one mile to Market Road.
Parkwood Road, starting at McLoud Road (SH 102), west one mile to Arena Road.
Redskin Street, starting at McLoud Road (SH 102), east one mile to Blackberry Drive. (1987 Code § 14-110; amd. 2004 Code)
C. Use Regulated And Controlled: The use of limited access facilities within the city shall be regulated and controlled by the traffic ordinances of the city as now existing or hereafter enacted or amended. (1987 Code § 14-110)
A. Trimming Required:
1. The owner of any premises abutting on any street of the city shall trim all trees and shrubbery growing in the parking, between the sidewalks and the roadway, of any such street, and all trees and shrubbery growing on any part of the premises adjacent to the sidewalks or any street or alley, in such manner that the boughs or limbs thereof shall not obstruct free and convenient passage and travel along the streets, sidewalks, and alleys. When such premises are occupied by some person other than the owner, such occupant shall trim the trees and shrubbery in the same manner as hereinafter required of the owner. Such trees and shrubbery shall be trimmed so that the lowest branches or foliage shall not be lower than ten feet (10') above the roadway of a street or alley, nor lower than eight feet (8') above the sidewalk.
2. Any owner or occupant who shall fail, refuse or neglect to trim trees and shrubbery as provided in subsection A1 of this section, after receiving five (5) days' notice from the head of the department in charge of streets to do so, shall be guilty of an offense against the city. Every day that the owner or occupant shall fail, refuse or neglect to trim the trees or shrubbery, after the expiration of the five (5) days' notice, shall be a separate offense. (1987 Code § 14-101)
B. Injuring: It is unlawful for any person to injure any tree or shrubbery on a street or alley in the city; provided, that this shall not prohibit the lawful and proper care and removal of such trees and shrubbery. (1987 Code § 14-102)