§ 94.02 NOTICE.
   Notice to remove snow, sleet, mud, ice, or other substance from the sidewalk adjacent to any lot shall be served on the owner, agent, or occupant of the premises when the substances are not removed pursuant to § 94.01. The notice shall demand the removal of the substance forthwith. If the person owning the premises is unknown or cannot be found, or if reasonable service cannot be made upon any owner, agent, or occupant within the city, then service of the notice shall be made by posting a typewritten copy thereof in some conspicuous place on the premises. In case the owner, agent, or occupant fails to remove the ice, snow, mud, or other substance, then the Public Works Director or his or her authorized agent may remove the substance, and the expense thereof shall be charged against the property and the owner thereof, and may be recovered by proper action in the name of the city or charged against the property as a special assessment for improvements.
(Prior Code, § 8-202) (Ord. 2016-2924, passed 5-2-2016)
Statutory reference:
   Similar to state law provisions, see Neb. RS 16-663