Residents of the city may borrow materials from the library free of charge, except that reasonable fees, not to exceed the library's actual cost, may be charged for non-basic services such as photocopying equipment; telephones, facsimile equipment, and other telecommunication equipment; media equipment; personal computers; and video cassette recording and playing equipment. Nonresidents shall be charged an annual fee for the privilege of borrowing materials from the library as may be set by resolution of the City Council from time to time, and may be charged reasonable fees, not to exceed the library's actual cost, for non-basic services. The Library Director may exclude from the use of the library and reading rooms any person who shall willfully violate or refuse to comply with the rules and regulations established for the government thereof.
(Prior Code, § 3-707) (Ord. 91-1989, passed 4-1-1991; Ord. 91-2019, passed 12-2-1991; Ord. 2004-2717, passed 1-3-2005)