(A)   Water rates. The following rates for water have been set by the City Council in accordance with the provisions of § 52.01 of this code.
      (1)   Customers within the city. The rates for water used by customers within the city shall be as follows:
         (a)   2.157 dollars per 100 cubic feet for the first 5,000 cubic feet of water used.
         (b)   1.598 dollars per 100 cubic feet for all water used over 5,000 cubic feet.
         (c)   In addition to the above, a ready-to-serve fee of $21.15 per month shall be charged to each customer.
      (2)   Customers outside the city. The amount to be charged for water used by customers outside the city boundaries shall be computed by taking the water consumption of the customer times the rates fixed in division (A) (1) above, plus additional charges as specified therein, and multiplying the final sum times the factor of one and one-half to get the total charge to be billed the customer.
      (3)   Bulk water. The rate for bulk water purchases shall be $5 per 1,000 gallons.
      (4)   Fire hydrant meter. Fire hydrant meter rent shall be $50 per week, plus water usage charged at the rate for bulk water. The deposit required for a fire hydrant meter is set at $1,000.
   (B)   Deposit. The deposit required of customers of the City Water Department as set out in § 52.03 is hereby set at $150.
   (C)   Reconnection fee. Any account disconnected for nonpayment of water charges shall be required to pay a $50 reconnection charge during regular business hours and a $75 reconnection charge outside of normal business hours, including weekends and holidays, in addition to all unpaid water charges and sewer charges, monthly service charges, and sales tax, before the service will be reconnected. Reconnection will require the full deposit required hereunder. If the deposit has been refunded or depleted, it must be restored to the full amount required herein before service will be reconnected.
   (D)   Insufficient fund fees. There shall be assessed a fee of $20 against the account of any customer who issues or passes a check, draft or similar signed order for the payment of money when there are insufficient funds in or credit with the drawee for the payment of the check, draft or order in full upon presentation. This fee shall be assessed for each occurrence.
   (E)   Customer request for disconnect or reconnect. Any account disconnected or reconnected at the customers request shall be required to pay a $35 fee for the service provided during normal business hours. The City Manager has the authority to waive fee if it is of an emergency nature to preserve property.
   (F)   New account charge. Any new account connected upon the customer request shall be required to pay a $5 new account fee.
(Ord. 1661, passed 9-20-1982; Ord. 1703, passed 9-6-1983; Ord. 1825, passed 7-20-1987; Ord. 96-2371, passed 9-16-1996; Ord. 2001-2602, passed 1-21-2002; Ord. 2004-2715, passed 12-6-2004; Ord. 2007-2799, passed 9-17-2007; Ord. 2011-2863, passed 9-6-2011; Ord. 2012-2882, passed 9-17-2012; Ord. 2019-2993, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2021-3014, passed 4-19-2021; Ord. 2022-3036, passed 4-18-2022; Ord. 2023-3064, passed 4-3-2023)