Senior Center and Community Room Building
155.01    Purpose.
155.02    Rental permit.
155.03    Scheduling.
155.04    Restrictions and conditions of use.
155.05    Use of the Community Room.
155.06    Fee schedule.
      Senior Center and Community Room Committee - see ADM. 131.02
      Commission on Aging - see ADM. Ch. 147
   155.01 PURPOSE.
   The Village Community Room building exists primarily for the benefit of residents and organizations of the Village. In the event no Village resident or organization intends to utilize the Community Room on a specific date, a rental permit may be issued to non-Village residents who are sponsored by a resident, or organization as approved by the Mayor and as set forth in this Chapter. Use of the Community Room shall be subject to the Community Room Rules and Regulations, as may be revised from time to time by the Mayor.
(Ord. 2016-15. Passed 8-15-16.)
   155.02 RENTAL PERMIT. 
   (a)   A rental permit may be obtained upon the submission of a Community Room Rental Application and required fees by any individual twenty-one years of age or older or organization desiring to use the Community Room.
   (b)   Rental permit applications shall be made available through the Mayor’s office upon request. Completed applications, shall be filed with the Mayor’s office along with the required fee.
   (c)   Reservations for nonresident individuals who are sponsored by a Village resident, or organizations as approved by the Mayor, shall not be accepted more than sixty days prior to the date of the scheduled event.
(Ord. 2016-15. Passed 8-15-16.)
   155.03 SCHEDULING.
   (a)   The scheduling of all Community Room events shall be in accordance and not conflict with any scheduled municipal activity.
   (b)   While all permits shall be issued on a “first come” basis, Village residents and organizations shall have preference over nonresident individuals and organizations in the scheduling of events for the Community Room.
   (c)   The Community Room can be rented for a single event or on a scheduled basis for regular weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc., meetings.
(Ord. 2016-15. Passed 8-15-16.)
   (a)   All individuals or groups using Community Room shall agree to hold the Village, together with its public officials and employees, harmless from any liability in connection with loss of life, personal injury or damage to property arising from or out of the use of the Community Room and shall be required to sign a written agreement so stating.
   (b)   The costs of repairing any damage to the facility or its contents shall be charged directly to the permit holder, whether an individual or an organization, in occupancy at the time of the damage.
   (c)   For any event at which there is alcohol being served, or there is expected seventy- five or more individuals, the permit holder shall retain the services of a uniformed police officer and shall be solely responsible for paying for that service. Police officers hired for this purpose shall be commissioned by the Village as a police officer or auxiliary police officer. The police officer shall remain on duty throughout the scheduled event and shall not leave the premises until the building is empty and secured.
(Ord. 2016-15. Passed 8-15-16.)