(a) There is hereby created the position of Service Director.
(b) The Service Director shall have the following duties and responsibilities in addition to those prescribed for the Department of Public Service under the Charter:
(1) To be responsible for the repair and maintenance of all public roads, streets and alleys, public buildings, drains, ditches, storm sewer facilities, parks, playgrounds and public places.
(2) To supervise the lighting, sprinkling, cleaning, plowing, spreading of traction material, and other winter care of the public streets and places.
(3) To supervise the collection of rubbish and garbage;
(4) To supervise all personnel in the Department of Public Service;
(5) To perform other duties as may be necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the position as required by the ordinances of the Municipality or as may be directed by the Mayor.
(c) The compensation of the Service Director shall be established by the Council from time-to-time.
(Ord. 2015-08. Passed 7-20-15.)