Access and parking requirements shall conform to the applicable provisions in Chapter 1189 and this section. If the number of parking spaces required by Chapter 1189 is substantially larger than the number anticipated by the applicant, and the applicant provides sufficient evidence that supports the reduced parking needs, a development plan may be approved with an allowance for the construction of fewer parking spaces provided that:
   (a)   The total number of spaces initially constructed shall not be less than one space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
   (b)   Adequate land area is reserved, if the Planning Commission so requires, for all or a portion of the reduced number of spaces otherwise required by Chapter 1189. Such suitable areas shall be illustrated on the development plan in locations and with landscaping in full compliance with this Zoning Code.
   (c)   The Planning Commission, upon reevaluation of the project's parking needs, may at any time direct that some or all of the parking spaces identified in Section 1174.04(b) be constructed. If such additional parking spaces are required, they shall be provided according to the approved development plan.
   (d)   One access shall be permitted per each 200 feet of lot frontage or fraction thereof. Such access may be a divided boulevard with one-way traffic on either side of a traffic island, provided that the maximum permitted width of a traffic island shall be 15 feet. The location of the access drive shall comply with the requirements of Section 1189.08.
(Ord. 1990-51. Passed 10-22-90; Ord. 2002-22. Passed 6-24-02.)