   Area charges shall be calculated based on developable acres and shall be set by the City Council on an annual basis and included in the annual fee schedule adopted by the City Council.
(Ord. 119, passed 9-12-05)
   Area charges will be due and payable at the time of the signing of the development agreement. In the event area charges are not paid pursuant to the development agreement, area charges shall be paid prior to issuance of a building permit and calculated on a per unit basis.
(Ord. 119, passed 9-12-05)
§ 56.06 FEE APPEAL.
   (A)   Written appeal. If a property owner or person responsible for paying the area charge (hereinafter collectively referred to as “owner”) believes that a particular assigned fee is incorrect, such person may request, in writing, that the fee be recomputed. Such request shall be made within ten days of the required date of payment. If the owner is not in agreement with the determination of the fee by the city staff, he or she may appeal the determination in writing by making a request for a hearing to the City Council within 14 days of the staff’s determination.
   (B)   Hearing. A hearing before the City Council shall be scheduled to occur within 45 days of receiving the request for a hearing. Notice of the hearing must be served to the owner at least 14 days in advance unless a shorter time is accepted by all parties. Service of the notice shall be by first class mail and will be complete upon mailing. The owner shall have the burden of proving that the area charges for his or her property are incorrect. The decision of the City Council is final without any further right of appeal.
(Ord. 119, passed 9-12-05)
   All fees collected for the area charges shall be placed in a fund for sanitary sewer, water and stormwater purposes. Revenues shall be used to pay for the construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, improvement, or other obtainment and the maintenance, operation and use of the facilities, and all other purposes as permitted by M.S. § 444.075.
(Ord. 119, passed 9-12-05)