All water service lines connecting the city water main to the property served, including the portion of the line in the public right-of-way between the main and property served shall be owned by and all expenses of maintaining, repairing or replacing them shall be borne by the owner of the property served.
('82 Code, § 3.212)
The customer, and also the owner, occupant and lessee if not the customer, shall be responsible for repair of any leaks. If any leak is not repaired within the time allowed in the notice after notice to any of them to repair the leak, including notice left at the premises, the Superintendent may shut the water off. When the waste of water is great or damage is likely to occur from the leak, the Superintendent may turn the water off immediately and thereafter give notice to repair as provided herein.
('82 Code, § 3.213)
No person, other than an authorized city employee, shall take water from a fire hydrant, from a city water tank filling station or from any other city facility without first obtaining authority to do so from the Superintendent.
('82 Code, § 3.214) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall connect any water pipe of the city water supply system with any pump, well or tank that is connected to any other source of water supply. If any connection exists, the customer, owner or person in charge of the premises shall forthwith sever the connection. When any connection is found, the Superintendent may notify the customer, owner or other person in charge of the premises to sever the connection immediately. If this is not done immediately, the Superintendent may turn off the water supply. All cross connections shall be eliminated before city water service is restored to the premises.
('82 Code, § 3.215) Penalty, see § 10.99
Whenever the Council determines that a shortage of water threatens the city water supply, it may, by resolution, limit the times and hours during which city water may be used for sprinkling, air conditioning, irrigation, car washing and other specified uses. After publication of the resolution, or delivery to the affected premises, or three days after mailing the resolution to the affected customer, no person shall use or permit water to be used in violation of the restrictions imposed in the resolution. Any person who does so may be charged an excess use charge, as the Council may determine by resolution. Continued violation shall be cause for discontinuance of water service in accordance with the procedures specified for discontinuance of service for a leak found upon the customer's premises.
('82 Code, § 3.216)
(A) Except for extinguishment of fires and uses as may be authorized by the Council, no person other than an authorized city employee shall use water from the city water supply system or permit water to be drawn therefrom unless the water passes through a water meter supplied or approved by the city.
('82 Code, § 3.221)
(B) Whenever any premises is connected to the city water supply system, the customer shall provide and cause to be installed, at the customer’s own expense, a water meter which will accurately measure the amount of water used upon the premises. Meters shall be installed, disconnected, taken apart or in any other manner changed only by authorized city employees or a licensed plumber.
('82 Code, § 3.222)
(C) Meters shall be maintained, repaired and replaced at the customer’s expense. If any customer fails to replace or repair a defective or inaccurate meter, the city may do so and add the expense thereof to the customer’s water bill.
('82 Code, § 3.223)
(D) When a customer complains that the bill for the immediate past service period is excessive and requests that the meter be re-read, the city shall have the meter re-read. Any customer who remains dissatisfied may request that the meter be tested.
('82 Code, § 3.224)
(E) The city may test a meter for accuracy at any time. The Council may, by resolution, establish a reasonable charge for testing any meter at the request of any customer. If any test shows a meter to be inaccurate, it shall promptly be repaired or replaced by the customer.
('82 Code, § 3.225)
(F) If a test shows a meter to be inaccurate by more than 5%, the tester shall promptly notify the city of the inaccuracy. The city may retest any meter at its own expense. Whenever the city determines that any meter was inaccurate by more than 5%, the bill for the immediate past service period and the bill for the elapsed portion of the current service period shall be adjusted accordingly. If by reason of stoppage of the meter or any other reason, it is not possible to determine, with reasonable accuracy, the amount of water actually used, the city may estimate by any reasonable means, the amount of water which was used. In no event, shall any adjustment be made for any service periods prior to the immediate past service period.
('82 Code, § 3.226)
(G) Installation and inspections.
(1) Authorized city employees. No person except authorized city employees shall turn water on at the street, unless authorized by the Utility Superintendent.
(2) Newly constructed homes. On a newly constructed home, water shall not be turned on at the street until the following conditions have been met:
(a) Curb stop must be brought to grade.
(b) Water meter and radio read remote have been installed according to the following specifications:
1. The service pipe from the water main to the meter shall be brought through the floor in a vertical position. A stop and waste valve shall be installed about 12 inches above the floor.
2. The meter shall be located so that the bottom is from six to 12 inches above the finished floor line. The meter shall be set not more than 12 inches measured horizontally from the inside line of the basement wall, unless an alternate method is approved by the plumbing inspector. A suitable bracket to support the meter in a proper horizontal position and to prevent noise from vibration shall be provided.
3. Radio read remotes should be mounted using the supplied bracket. (See attached instructions for installation procedures.)
4. In no case shall there be more than 12 inches of pipe exposed between the point of entrance through the basement floor and the gate valve. A valve must also be installed in the house side of the meter. Gate valves shall be brass 125 pounds standard.
(3) Inspections.
(a) Meter inspections can be scheduled during working hours, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by calling 952-442-7520.
(b) A 24-hour notice is required prior to performing an inspection.
(c) All inspections of water meters and any tests involved are to be done by the Building Inspector or Utility Superintendent.
(4) Additional information. Meters are city property. All water meters shall be and remain the property of the city and may be removed and replaced or changed as to size and type by the city whenever deemed necessary.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) The City Council determines that it is in the best interest of customer fairness and public policy to establish a dual water meter policy. The goal of this policy is to more accurately reflect residential sewage usage by eliminating outside water usage that is not contributing to the city waste water collection system.
(B) All new constructions shall require the installation of two water meters on the premises. The second (dual) meter shall be for the purpose of metering water usage that does not enter the city sanitary sewer system. Both meters shall be installed and are subject to all costs, conditions, and inspections as required by §§ 52.07 and 52.09, as amended from time to time, and such other reasonable requirements for installation, usage and inspection as determined by the city to be necessary and appropriate to effectively implement the purpose of the dual water meter policy. New construction shall be charged for two meters on the building permit.
(C) Owners of existing structures may apply to the city for installation of a second (dual) meter to meter non-sanitary sewer water usage pursuant to regulations established by the city.
(D) The city shall read both meters according to city policy and billing for sewer usage will be calculated by using the reading from the main water meter.
(Ord. 133, passed 3-12-07)